Category: Web Industry
People on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Feb 17, 2008
This series of posts tagged On The Move (see archives) is to recognize and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions in the social media industry. Congrats to those on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Peter Fasano joins the … Continue readingPeople on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Feb 17, 2008
FirstTake: The Web Strategist should watch –but wait– for the MySpace Developer Platform
(Left: I met and interviewed MySpace’s team Will and Jim) I just got back from the brand spanking new SF MySpace office, an event tonight that was catered to the new developer platform which they announced today. This post isn’t aimed at developers, but at … Continue readingFirstTake: The Web Strategist should watch –but wait– for the MySpace Developer Platform
People on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Feb 5, 2008
This series of posts tagged On The Move (see archives) is to recognize and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions in the social media industry. Congrats to those on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Andrew Cafourek got a … Continue readingPeople on the Move in the Social Media Industry: Feb 5, 2008
Lena is Tired of my Face (do we need more female speakers?)
I like Lena, she writes an insightful post suggesting that the same ol’ speakers at conferences is getting boring, I agree. She makes a call that we need diversity in our speakers and asks where all the social media female speakers are at. I left … Continue readingLena is Tired of my Face (do we need more female speakers?)
Why Microsoft wants Yahoo, an Analytical Perspective
When we saw the story about Microsoft wanting to acquire Yahoo, my colleagues got together to discuss why this would be an attractive fit for the two companies –much of it stems back to taking what Google has. Microsoft has often wanted to be in … Continue readingWhy Microsoft wants Yahoo, an Analytical Perspective
How Andrew read this blog…and got a job
Congrats to college graduate Andrew Cafourek for getting a job with Outrider. How’d he do it? by creating a professional looking site, being an excellent blogger, posting his resume, and learning how to use the tools to network with others –he demonstrated his web marketing … Continue readingHow Andrew read this blog…and got a job
What to do when Web Developers get stale
Recently, I met a developer who was frustrated. This web developer had been programming and developing websites for nearly 10 years, but admitted he was having a very hard time keeping up with the younger faster developers that knew the new languages. It’s not really … Continue readingWhat to do when Web Developers get stale
Widget Roundtable: Categorizing the Industry
[Viral Marketing doesn’t work, tell everyone you know] Left: Dave McClure is being Ironic. According to Flickr, this is my MOST popular photograph, even more popular than my photo that got on digg and received 200,000 views. Problems Currently, there are over 13,000 widgets on … Continue readingWidget Roundtable: Categorizing the Industry
What we expect from the Data Portability Working Group
Update: Chris Saad, one of the leaders of this group has responded to each one of the expectations that I listed out below. Please read his responses, as he’s open, direct, and taking leadership. Last night, I attended the Mashable awards ceremony, and several people … Continue readingWhat we expect from the Data Portability Working Group