Don’t get BrandJacked: Confirming Your Corporate Twitter Account

I’m hearing of more and more brands starting to venture into the Twittersphere to listen, influence, and support customers. In fact, I’ve had 3-4 inquiry (client calls) at Forrester asking about Twitter for marketing. Challenge: Anyone can Create an Twitter Account and Cause BrandJacking A … Continue readingDon’t get BrandJacked: Confirming Your Corporate Twitter Account

Retweet: The Infectious Power Of Word Of Mouth

Word of Mouth, the Holy Grail of Marketing Word of mouth marketing is one of the most desirable activities to brands, why? Because research on trust shows that consumers (folks like you and me) trust the opinions of people we know more than anyone else. … Continue readingRetweet: The Infectious Power Of Word Of Mouth

Why Magpie’s Advertising System Is Self-Diminishing

Testing a Twitter Advertising System I tested out Magpie, an advertising system that creates tweets in my tweet stream, from third party advertisers then pays me. Some have already blogged about their opposing thoughts on it, and some are publicaly open that they are now … Continue readingWhy Magpie’s Advertising System Is Self-Diminishing

The Motrin Moms Backlash by the Numbers

If you weren’t following what was happening online this weekend (yes, yes, ok you’ve got a life) there was a Groundswell against Motrin’s latest viral advertisement that was rejected by mothers in Twitter, spread to blogs, and YouTube. I’m not a mom, so at first … Continue readingThe Motrin Moms Backlash by the Numbers

List of Enterprise Microblogging Tools: Twitter for the Intranet

With the popularity to Twitter and other Microblogging tools, we should expect to see a flurry of simliar tools for project and program mangaement for the enterprises. Stemming from commodity technology, I’m sure I’ll have a hard time keeping this list up to date over … Continue readingList of Enterprise Microblogging Tools: Twitter for the Intranet

Web Strategy: The Evolution of Brands on Twitter

Last week, I listed out 9 reasons Why Brands Are Unsuccessful In Twitter, and other microblogging technologies. Companies are caught between the minutia of the discussions and their willingness to be human or add value to the conversations. Although a one-sided view of what’s going … Continue readingWeb Strategy: The Evolution of Brands on Twitter