Analysis on Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop launch: A Gimmick Site with Marketing Flair

Update: A few hours later… I was away from the web for a few hours, and Guy left a few comments with corrections. I incorrectly assumed he was an investor in Popurls, secondly, there is no technology sharing between the sites. The talented Thomas Marban … Continue readingAnalysis on Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop launch: A Gimmick Site with Marketing Flair

“Marketers get people to buy stuff that they don’t need”

This was the quote I heard last night from someone I know, his impression was that the role of Marketers was: “to get people to buy stuff that they don’t need”. Partially, he is right. The reputation of marketers is often negative, where marketers are … Continue reading“Marketers get people to buy stuff that they don’t need”

How Andrew read this blog…and got a job

Congrats to college graduate Andrew Cafourek for getting a job with Outrider. How’d he do it? by creating a professional looking site, being an excellent blogger, posting his resume, and learning how to use the tools to network with others –he demonstrated his web marketing … Continue readingHow Andrew read this blog…and got a job

What Growth In Widget Networks Means To The Web Strategist

Why Web Strategists should consider widgets Expect widgets to act like a network, the span over many different containers like social networks, websites, and blogs. Since widgets are opt-in by the publisher or social network member, it’s a great way to track who’s actually interested … Continue readingWhat Growth In Widget Networks Means To The Web Strategist

Social Media, A Lateral Approach to Marketing

Bombardment should wither Traditional marketing is usually a head on approach where marketers carpet bomb screaming messages fighting for the attention of their community. Today, social media is really a lateral strategy. The most savvy brands will figure out how to “energize” customers so they … Continue readingSocial Media, A Lateral Approach to Marketing

Corporate marketing must evolve from controller to enabler

Yesterday, I spoke on a panel to over 100 of Cisco’s global marketing professionals with Jennifer Jones of the famed Marketing Voices podcast, and Nancy Bhagat of Intel’s integrated marketing department. Jennifer who is known for assembling the greatest social media marketers on her podcast … Continue readingCorporate marketing must evolve from controller to enabler

A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008

This is an updated revision of the 2007 version, which was one of the top viewed posts for the entire year. I’ve added quite a few new forms as they’ve emerged or come to maturity over this last year. Translations If you’d like to translate … Continue readingA Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008