List of Companies Providing Social CRM Offerings

Social CRM: A Growing Segment Yesterday’s post on Social CRM vendors not walking-the-talk raised awareness of this nascent space.  However, not everyone was thrilled with the effort, as CTO John Moore gave us an A for effort but a C- for results, and Kim Kobza, the … Continue readingList of Companies Providing Social CRM Offerings

FirstTake: Extend LinkedIn’s Community To Your Website

I was briefed as an analyst by Adam Nash, LinkedIn’s Vice President, Search & Platform Products to learn about today’s announcement around opening their network as a platform. Announcement: Access LinkedIn Data From Other Locations Using The LinkedIn Platform Starting today, developers worldwide can integrate LinkedIn … Continue readingFirstTake: Extend LinkedIn’s Community To Your Website

Matrix: The Four Social Support Strategies

At the Altimeter Group, I cover Customer Strategy, which encompasses not only marketing, but also support, expect our discussion to grow as social technologies impact the whole enterprise. The Social Support movement is afoot (see opportunities), and more companies will be connecting existing marketing and … Continue readingMatrix: The Four Social Support Strategies

Evolution: The Eight Stages Of Listening

As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy As we approach 2010 planning companies need a strategy around listening. Sadly, most companies, and their agency partners don’t know why to listen or how. As a result, they must identify which stage … Continue readingEvolution: The Eight Stages Of Listening

Social Support: Companies Are Teaching Customers To Yell At Their Friends

Update: I polled my microblogging network on which brands have supported them on Twitter, see which brands have ‘taught’ their customers to yell at their friends. Recently, I started teaching puppy Rumba tricks beyond the basic sit and stay, I even made a video. How … Continue readingSocial Support: Companies Are Teaching Customers To Yell At Their Friends

Salesforce Pushes Social CRM Technology –But Don’t Expect Companies To Be Successful With Tools Alone

        Above: Pictures from Salesforce’s event   This post was co-written on a wiki with R “Ray” Wang, Partner and Colleague at Altimeter Group Salesforce launches a new set of social apps that make CRM connected to the social web. So what does … Continue readingSalesforce Pushes Social CRM Technology –But Don’t Expect Companies To Be Successful With Tools Alone

Trends: Impacts Of The Era of Social Colonization –Every Webpage to be Social

One of the key findings from the very popular report The Future of the Social Web (which has been translated into over a dozen languages by the community) is that identity technologies like Facebook Connect, OpenID, as well as existing identities will soon colonize the … Continue readingTrends: Impacts Of The Era of Social Colonization –Every Webpage to be Social