Four Social Media Questions You Must Answer During an Economic Downturn

Most of my readers are interactive marketing professionals, they are experimenting, using, or living in the social media world –for some, it’s part of their very being and defines them professionally, and personally. Social Media (which has gained popularity in the last few years) has … Continue readingFour Social Media Questions You Must Answer During an Economic Downturn

The Long Term Impacts of Online Critics on Personal Brands

This post is not about Thomas vs Simon B, but instead about the long term online impacts to personal and corporate brands. A focus on online reputation and brands I’m hesitant to publish this post, not because I don’t think it’s important, but instead, I … Continue readingThe Long Term Impacts of Online Critics on Personal Brands

How Popular Blogs and Mainstream Media Appear The Same

I’m in the unique position as a blogger who interacts with journalists, popular ‘A-list’ blogs, and PR firms who present new stories and I’ve observed a trend that Popular Blogs and Mainstream Media appear the same I first started this discussion on Friendfeed, and now … Continue readingHow Popular Blogs and Mainstream Media Appear The Same