Press Releases: Content Formatting in the Age of 140 Characters

Yesterday morning, I sent over an email to Todd Defren and Brian Solis, champions of the Social Media Press Release (which I’ve critiqued in the past) offering some suggestions. Recently, I’ve been receiving some press releases where the real important news isn’t in the leading … Continue readingPress Releases: Content Formatting in the Age of 140 Characters

How “Janet” Fooled the Twittersphere (and me) She’s the Voice of Exxon Mobil

The game is up, “Janet” is not an official Exxon representative A few days ago, the Twittersphere was curious, interested, and excited to see a member of Exxon Mobil’s employee ranks to join the twitter conversation and engage in conversation…sadly, she’s not a real employee. … Continue readingHow “Janet” Fooled the Twittersphere (and me) She’s the Voice of Exxon Mobil

When Brands Under Fire Step into the Fracas: Exxon Joins Twitter

Update: After speaking with public affairs at Exxon, it’s been confirmed that Janet is not an official spokesperson of Exxon. Alan of Exxon has given me his story here. Brands joining twitter It’s no coincidence that brands that are under public scrutiny from customers, competitors, … Continue readingWhen Brands Under Fire Step into the Fracas: Exxon Joins Twitter

Witnessing in Near Real-Time: Tweets from Bangalore Blasts

In my early morning blog reading, I was stunned to receive a tweet from Paul Mooney indicating there was news breaking yet again on Twitter. In horror, we watched in real time using Summize first hand accounts of Bangalore residents tweeting their experience –before major … Continue readingWitnessing in Near Real-Time: Tweets from Bangalore Blasts