Twitter as a platform

Yesterday, on my own twitter network, I announced a contest for a giveaway of a Nokia internet device I’ve been reviewing (I never keep any device I receive from to review) and asked participants to tell where they thought twitter would be in two years. Andrew Finkle gave a great answer about how Twitter would become an open platform, which make sense –providing they can keep their infrastructure up. I got a chance to speak with Andrew, he’s a former software guy who’s moving into the social space, real nice guy, thanks for participating.

I was hoping to see an answer that not only involved Twitter as a platform but also a software that gets picked up by some mobile carriers and ties into GPS positioning. I hope you read the 50 other answers from folks, lots of great ideas from geo-location tagging, to definitive groups and permissions. Thanks everyone for participating.

5 Replies to “Twitter as a platform”

  1. While we aren’t tying our application into a mobile platform with GPS… yet. We have released our risk based mortgage pricing system over Twitter. This allows mortgage loan professionals as well as real estate agents to quote their borrowers/buyers where ever they are. You can learn more at

  2. Jeremiah, thank you for the acknowledgment (and the Nokia 🙂 ).

    I did actually mean to refer to GPS positioning – from my post:

    “… This might be based on the location of a tweet…”

    I believe that being location aware will be at the core of what makes Twitter so special going forward. I do not however agree that I would want to see carriers get involved. The walled garden of carriers is what kills great ideas… after all if I can use it with my Verizon wireless, but some of my Twitter friends have AT&T then its value has already been diminished greatly. When it comes to the Location Based Services, only ones that work with any/every carrier will win.


    PS – Not true GPS, but location aware Twitter:

  3. Just keep those devices coming, Jeremiah! It was all good fun and a real exercise in actually trying to be imaginative while being aware of what I felt I really needed now and also made sense to people.

    Oh and location aware, bravo! Might be a good detective work tool too.


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