Slides: Social Business Forecast: 2011 The Year of Integration (LeWeb Keynote)

Research reveals corporations to focus on integration, staffing, advertising, and measurement in 2011. I’m sharing these slides as I take the stage for one of the few business focused tracks at the largest European internet conference, LeWeb (pic). The following slides are based on the … Continue readingSlides: Social Business Forecast: 2011 The Year of Integration (LeWeb Keynote)

Slides: Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist (Keynote)

Last week, I closed off WOMMA 2010 as the closing keynote, and presented Altimeter’s recent research on the Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist (read the report) to a few hundred folks. In the closing recommendations on slide 58, you’ll find six very specific … Continue readingSlides: Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist (Keynote)

Altimeter Report: The Two Career Paths of the Corporate Social Strategist. Be Proactive or Become ‘Social Media Help Desk’

The full 27-page report is embedded below, if you can’t see it, please click directly to this blog post to access it. This Social Media Decision Maker Must Choose One of Two Career Paths. This emerging role is critical to the success of social media … Continue readingAltimeter Report: The Two Career Paths of the Corporate Social Strategist. Be Proactive or Become ‘Social Media Help Desk’

Research: Most Companies Organize in “Hub and Spoke” Formation for Social Business

Altimeter Group is going to release a research paper on the Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist, and this is subset data, sign up here to receive the upcoming report.  These corporate social strategists (which I’ve segmented as companies with over 1000 employees) responded … Continue readingResearch: Most Companies Organize in “Hub and Spoke” Formation for Social Business

Analysis: 2011 Internal Goals In Corporate Social Strategy: Proving Value and Change Management (2/2)

Part 1: External Goals Part 2: Internal Goals (You are here) This is part 2/2, yesterday, I released research discussing the priorities companies have for external also known as ‘go to market’.  To balance out the data, Altimeter Group has posed similar questions to Corporate … Continue readingAnalysis: 2011 Internal Goals In Corporate Social Strategy: Proving Value and Change Management (2/2)

Analysis: 2011 Corporate Social Strategy Will Focus on Corporate Website Integration (Part 1/2)

Part 1: External Goals (You are here) Part 2: Internal Goals The Corporate Social Strategist Must Plan for 2011 In the near future, I’ll be publishing a research report about the corporate social strategist and their program. In our survey these decision makers within corporations … Continue readingAnalysis: 2011 Corporate Social Strategy Will Focus on Corporate Website Integration (Part 1/2)

Altimeter Report: Social Commerce, How Brands Are Generating Revenue in Social Media, by @lcecere

I’m frequently asked “What’s the top challenge the corporate social strategist is struggling” and over and over, ROI comes up very high. To tackle this challenge head on, Altimeter has conducted a research project to find out how companies are connecting social technologies to the … Continue readingAltimeter Report: Social Commerce, How Brands Are Generating Revenue in Social Media, by @lcecere

Rise of Social Commerce: Photos, Slides, Wrapups #RSC10

We’re thankful for the attendees and sponsors who came to our first event, Altimeter’s, The Rise of Social Commerce. I’ll use this post to link to all the blog posts, slides, and discussions from the event, so expect I’ll keep this post updated. (Blast from … Continue readingRise of Social Commerce: Photos, Slides, Wrapups #RSC10

Upcoming Research Teaser: What do Employers Want in a Corporate Social Media Strategist?

Altimeter Group is doing thorough research on the role of the Corporate Social Media Strategist. I’ve got bits of data below, and a bunch more coming. Who are these people? The Corporate Social Media Strategist are are decision makers of social media within an enterprise … Continue readingUpcoming Research Teaser: What do Employers Want in a Corporate Social Media Strategist?