25 Replies to “Video: Into the Twittersphere”

  1. That is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day (and I also caught Shoemoney’s Free Shirt Friday ‘GoGirl’ promo). Maybe this will help some of my friends- the real life ones- and co-workers understand what Twitter is. Can’t wait for the next episode!

  2. Something we all know, we don’t talk about and we do all day without knowing why. I find it very funny. It is good to laugh about things we do sometimes. Thanks.

  3. I’ve “twoted” and “faced” it. It was hilarious!!! The fail whale definitely happened already to those who lost their jobs from not thinking before they twoted.

    btw, you are my favorite Twitterlebrity / Twittervangelist!

  4. i also liked the dude flying by with “I’m not A.D.D.” printed on his shirt. haaa!

  5. Thanks for the twitter-ific profile. We had a good time at SNCR and Inbound Marketing in SF. My client dna13 has had a couple meetings with Forrester. Appreciated your time. Mike

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