Getting ready for next weeks’ Forrester Marketing Forum in L.A.

We’re gearing up for next weeks’ Marketing Forum in Los Angeles, with over 800 expected attendees, the company is really excited to deliver great content, facilitate networking, and showcase technology vendors that help solve marketing problems.

The speaker lineup is impressive, aside form Forrester analysts presenting their key industry findings we’ve speakers from Fedex, Nike, Wal-Mart, Dell, Leapfrog, and more. The event team has been working hard to prepare all the logistics, and I’ve already listened in to dress rehearsals for presentations (our speakers rehearse dozens of times, in order to deliver high value)

Also, each of the attendees are getting a copy of the upcoming Groundswell book. I’ve been asked to do what I’m best at, help facilitate social media during the event, so I’ll be sitting in the front row in the blogger bullpen, if you’re a attending and attend to blog, stream, tweet, the conference, come up and sit with me, or please say hi. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Watch the Forrester Marketing blog for details.

You can check out the last time I went to the consumer forum day 1 and day 2. Leave a comment below if you’re going, I look forward to meeting you.

Tag for the event is forrmarketing08

Update: Marianne Richmond has high expectations of the event, we’re looking forward to seeing her!

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