Which department should take leadership of your corporate web strategy? Earlier this week, I flew out to Vegas to speak on a panel with Alastair Duncan is Chief Executive of MRM, at Intel’s sales and marketing event.
I was really impressed by his nuggets, that I got him on video in the Sands conference center to talk about ownership and governance of web programs within corporations. Alastair’s blog is located Participation Marketing.
What you’ll learn?
Who really is in charge of web strategy programs? Which department (listen to his insightful answer) How to avoid making your website an irrelevant ‘picture on the wall’ How can Marketing and IT actually get along?
Thanks Jeremiah for this great vlog with Alastair Duncan. It’s great to hear his insights as to who REALLY controls the web strategy in any company. I guess I’m glad that since I’m in a marketing dept. I control the website (since that’s my job). Although I guess it’s not always the case, but I’m grateful since I’m not in a rather large company.
Side note…what are you using to video these interviews? Are you lugging around a video camera or using your phone? Great quality.
Thanks Jeremiah for this little note. Its good to know fellow bloggers from MRM. Hope you get the company name right next time 😉 Its MRM Worldwide, not MRM Global. Just a small difference among friends 😉
I’m soooo sorry. Really, my fault.
Tip: Buy keywords for both, and domains, I wonder if it will be a common mistake that someone else will steal traffic from.
Thanks Jeremiah and Alastair for that clip.
Its good to see that larger agencies such as MRM are increasingly trying to take the subject of the improved company website to their clients. I especially agree with Alastair that Marketers and Technology departments need to learn about each other to better their online offering.