Some Twitter Users Prefer Browser Experience (A quick and dirty poll)

I asked my Twitter network (2813 sample) the following question: “How do you access Twitter? A) Browser B) Client (like snitter) C) from mobile. Use Percents. Me? A) 80% B) 5% C)15%. I’ll post results

I received 106 responses, and most use a browser to access Twitter, followed by a client, and then mobile.

This was a single tweet survey, (5 seconds) and I copied all the responses, put into this post, consider this equivalent to ‘raise your hand if you X’ type of methodology, there’s value from it’s rapid turn around, but don’t put too much weight into this.

I waited over 24 hours for all responses to come in, copied them into a spreadsheet, and manually sorted (30 minutes) read every response, and put into four buckets. I then dropped them in to wordpress, and applied an ordered list (dynamiclly numbers them so I don’t have to), and wrote this post up (another 30 minutes).

Privacy: Any tweets that were marked private (red lock) I removed their name, same thing with direct messages. If you want to self identify, just leave a comment.

Some may have used m.twitter (a light version of twitter in HTML suitable for mobile access) as a client on a mobile phone, so in some cases there may be some inconsistencies. Also, some members straddled more than one medium equally, so they ended up in a fourth category listed below.

Lastly, I only looked at the primary answer (the highest percentage) if I had more time I would analyze the second and third usage types, so this research is clearly not complete. If you want to finish it, feel free to, I’m only allotting myself one hour of work for this.

Sample Set: 106 Responses
That’s pretty amazing, since it was from one tweet, it’s clear to me that people like to talk about twitter, and want to share with others. Also, this is an early adopter network that’s connected to me (they are following my account) so it doesn’t account for all twitter users. Despite this being a small sample, it’s an indicator of how early adopters use technology.

My network, while global, tends to be mainly United States users, I know this from the names, as well as I’ve heavily promoted twitter from my blog, and the Analytics clearly indicate most traffic comes from CA, East Coast, then UK and Spain.

Quick and Dirty Analysis

  • 106 total responses, most were direct replies, a few private messages
  • 42% of Twitter users access it through the browser, using the website: As the native form of the tool, I’m not surprised by this number. Many folks are desk bound, and may not want to install a client
  • 33% use a client, like Snitter, or Twirl or other. I expect this number to go up if Twitter doesn’t ensure all replies continue to show up on the browser version,
  • 14% primarily use a mobile device as the pimary way to access twitter, expect this number to increase as the US relies more and more on mobile technology.
  • 11% straddled two mediums equally. When you look at the responses, most are using either the web based or client version as one, and the other equal amount is mobile. This suggests that folks are not only using Twitter on the computer at home or work, but are using it also when mobile. They’re hooked!
  • Thinking Forward: If this was helpful, and we learned something, then I may try this same survey in 6 months, it would be interesting if we move away from the web based version and move to the mobile client. Or if improves then the client usage could go down. Or if the client usage goes up, maybe someone created a new type of client that aggregates other forms of communication we’ve never thought of.
  • Update: RRW did a similar poll, and the numbers are very simliar web= 50%, clients are 33%, but it doesn’t include mobile

    Disclaimer: This is not official Forrester research. Real research done by professional data collection teams would involve a more scientific methodology, analysis, and weighting, likely with demographic segmentation. I do this out of passion, and because I want to know the answer. For expertise on this area, my colleague Peter Kim is officially covering MicroMedia and MicroBlogging, and has done research and reports on the topic. To base a business decision solely on this informal survey alone would be detrimental, and I would never want to see that happen to you.

    Primarily use a BROWSER to access Twitter (42%)

    1. Jeff Lin jefflin @jowyang A) 90% B) 10% C) 0% 06:48 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang
    2. fourfour78 @jowyang. A) 99% B) 0% C) 1%. I’ll caveat this as I have an iPhone so tend to use the browser to post/follow tweets
    3. Don Ettore DonEttore @jowyang A)10% B)85% C)5% 05:20 PM January 13, 2008 from TwitterFox in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    4. Marilyn Pratt marilynpratt @jowyang A) 70% B)25% C)5% 05:08 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    5. Kevin Cearns kcearns @jowyang a) 85% b) 15% IM Client c) no mobile (yet) 05:03 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    6. Kat hkdkat @jowyang 100% browser 08:09 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang
    7. Michael Allison michaelallison @jowyang 98% 0% 2% 12:49 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    8. charlierobinson charlierobinson @jowyang a) 95% (Flock) b) 0% c) 5% xc 01:06 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    9. bcarcio bcarcio @jowyang a) 80% browser b) 15% IM c) 5% txt 05:59 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    10. Jackie fooz @jowyang: A)95% B) 2% C) 2% 12:00 AM January 14, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    11. Brian Stephens ChocoGourmand @jowyang my twitter acess is mostly web at the moment, but I always feel more inclined to post from mobile. A) 80% C) 20% 03:50 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    12. dbreakenridge dbreakenridge @jowyang A) 100% B) 0% C) 0%. However, subject to change as soon as I set it up from my blackberry. 05:49 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    13. evolutionlondon evolutionlondon @jowyang A) 55% B) 40% C) 5% 10:44 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    14. Amy Worley worleygirl @jowyang A) 75 B) 10 C) 15 03:58 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    15. Jesse Pickard jessepickard @jowyang a) 60 b) 10 c) 30 04:49 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    16. KarenRussell KarenRussell @jowyang 98%, 2%, 0% 04:46 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    17. Rajiv Doshi rajivdoshi @jowyang I access twitter most of the time A) Browswer (95%) B) Client (0%) C) Mobile (5%) 01:37 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
      Private Tweet @jowyang what i mean to say was 100% browser for twitter access…i am constantly making typos in twitter. it drives me up a wall 04:37 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty Icon_red_lock
    18. Christine Taylor mousewords @jowyang A)100% B)0% C)0% I use IM, tho; thinking of Twhirl, & am going mobile whenever I manage to get out of the house. :-):-) 01:34 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    19. martin english – CSC martin_english @jowyang A)80% B) 0% C) 20% – I’m very new to twitter – yet to look for DT client (fx on winxp & ubuntu . any recommendations ?) 08:29 AM January 14, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    20. Dennis Howlett dahowlett @jowyang 90% Twhirl 10% browser 09:51 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    21. Lee Aase LeeAase @jowyang Sending is 75% A, 25% C Reading is 100% A 03:27 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    22. Randy Lawrence randelaw @jowyang A) 100% (My Blackberry uses the m.twitter browser). If you want location, then 80% computer/20% Blackberry 03:22 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    23. Jason Peck JasonPeck @jowyang – 100% through web 04:19 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    24. Dean Browell dbrowell @jowyang A) 80% C) 20% – but note that I actually use a browser on my mobile too, as opposed to texting updates. 04:17 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    25. Dennis McDonald ddmcd @jowyang: 100% browser 04:16 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    26. Kristie Wells kristiewells @jowyang: A. 85% B. 5% (Utterz) C. 10% 01:13 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    27. Ed Stafford pixel8r @jowyang A- 90 B- 5 C- 5 03:12 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    28. Shawn Collins affiliatetip @jowyang I’m more skewed – probably 95% browser and maybe 5% OutTwit. With browser, that’s split 75% PC and 25% mobile browser). 04:09 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    29. Clay Newton tastybit @jowyang A) 75% B) 5% (4% IM + 1% Twitterific) C) 20% (10% SMS, 10% Twitterberry) 01:09 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    30. Todd Earwood earwood @jowyang A) 95% B) 0% C) 5%. I tried twitterific & twitbin, but they didn’t work for me 04:08 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    31. Lisa walkinggal @jowyang A) 60% B) 40% 06:07 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    32. Chris Dalby yellowpark @jowyang I use the web to tweet 100%. I also always use twitterFox for incoming tweets only. plus when I am out and about 09:07 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    33. aziari aziari @jowyang A. 60% B. 40% 12:06 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    34. Private Tweet @jowyang 100% browser for snitter access 04:05 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty Icon_red_lock
    35. pearlbear pearlbear @jowyang a) 50% b) 45% c) 5% 04:05 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    36. carterlusher carterlusher @jowyang A) Browser 100% Hmm, looks like I need to get with the times and use other forms of access 12:05 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    37. Walker Fenton walkerfenton @jowyang 1)browser 95% 2)mobile 5% 02:04 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    38. francine hardaway hardaway @jowyang. A)60% B) 25% (Twitterific) c)15% m.twitter and SMS 01:58 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    39. Daniel Riveong danielriveong @jowyang: A) 95% B) 0% C) 12:53 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    40. Shashi Bellamkonda shashib @jowyang 90% browser 8% mobile ( 2% SMS 03:50 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    41. Jim Turner Genuine @jowyang 99% 0% 1% 01:43 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    42. Sarah Wurrey SarahWurrey @jowyang 75% 0% 25% 03:46 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    43. juls wu @jowyang A)85% B)0% C)15% 09:46 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    44. Direct Message: 100% web
    45. Direct Message: 100% browser. I’m a dork.

    Primarily use a CLIENT to access Twitter (33%)

    Could include Twitterific, Snitter, m.Twitter, Google Talk, Flock, Twitterbin, Browsert, twhirl, Tweetbar, and others

    1. Chaborin chaborin @jowyang my result: A)5% B)70% C)25% *Tw* 10:27 AM January 14, 2008 from Twit in reply to jowyang
    2. roxanne sutton roxstyle @jowyang A) 5% B) 80% C)15%. 04:05 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    3. Stephan sdohrn @jowyang A) 15 B) 80 C) 5 05:51 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    4. Antonio Bonanno mondrianlykin @jowyang A) 35% B) 40% C) 25% 10:58 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    5. Dave Riddell thedublab @jowyang A) 25% B) 75% C) 0% 05:39 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    6. Muhammad Saleem msaleem @jowyang, IM (GTalk through Adium) 03:46 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    7. Alex de Carvalho alexdc @jowyang A) 20% B) 50% c) 30% 04:36 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    8. Jane Quigley jquig99 @jowyang A)15 % B)80% C)5% (Big Twitterrific fan, but I’m using twirl right now 04:35 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    9. TWalk TWalk @jowyang (A) browser 40% (B) Snitter 60% (C) mobile nil. 03:28 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    10. Matthias Zeller matzeller @jowyang: A) 20% B) 50% C) 30% 01:27 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    11. Eugenio Vacca eughenes @jowyang for me it is A) 35% B) 60% C) 5% 10:24 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    12. Mario Vellandi mvellandi @jowyang A) 10% B) 90% 01:15 PM January 13, 2008 from Tweetr in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    13. marismith marismith @jowyang A) 40% B) 60% C) 0%. (I love Twitterfox.Twitbin died on me.) 01:11 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    14. chaz chazzy @jowyang, what about IM? Blackberry GTalk client & Twitter’s support of GTalk/Jabber makes up >50% of my use. Jaiku’s lack of Gtalk s … … 01:02 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    15. Sameer Patel SameerPatel @jowyang 70% snitter, 25% pokettweets, 5% web 02:00 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    16. Michael Reuter michaelreuter @jowyang – A) 10 B) 70 C) 20 10:00 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    17. Francis Shepherd shepherdfx @jowyang A. 5% B. 80% C.15% 03:47 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    18. Adam Cohen adamcohen @jowyang a) 10% b) 50% c) 40% 03:47 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    19. Sam Lawrence SamLawrence @jowyang 80% Twirl, 10% IM Client, 10% Browsert 12:57 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    20. Dustin Mooney DustinMooney @jowyang A) 15% B) 80% C) 5% 03:57 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    21. Tim Wilson tgwilson @jowyang A) 4% B) 95% (Snitter) C) 1% 03:55 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    22. Connie Reece conniereece @jowyang A. 20% B. 70% (Twhirl) C. 10% 02:54 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    23. ThomasK thx @jowyang 10% 90% 0% 06:51 PM January 13, 2008 from TwitterFox in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    24. Shari Voigt ShariV @jowyang – I access Twitter via tweetbar 02:46 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    25. Mark O’Neill camelot2302 @jowyang A) 5% B) 90% (Google Talk), C) 5% 09:47 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    26. Laura P Thomas LPT @jowyang – a) 30%, b) 60%, c)10% 02:45 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    27. Li Evans storyspinner @jowyang A) 1% B)90% C) 9% 03:45 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    28. Jeremy Franklin jeremyfranklin @jowyang a)10 b) 80 C)10 01:45 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    29. Tony Steward tonysteward @jowyang a) 5% b) 70% c) 25% 12:44 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    30. Jim Benson ourfounder @jowyang – A) 40, B) 50, C) 10 12:43 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    31. Chris Garrett chrisgarrett @jowyang – I do Twitter through web interface and m.twitter exclusively. Only problem is lack of “reply” button, copy and paste @name 08:42 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    32. Antonio Bonanno mondrianlykin @jowyang A) 35% B) 40% C) 25% 10:58 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    33. Catherine Laine cat_laine @jowyang a) 30% b) 69& c) 1% 04:21 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    34. Direct Message: a) 1% B) 99% C) 0% 09:59 PM January 13, 2008 reply
    35. Direct Message: A) 7% B) 80% C)13%

    Primarily use a MOBILE DEVICE to access Twitter (14%)

    1. Mark Smithivas 1god @jowyang a)40 b)10 c) 50 a few months ago I was logging 3000 sms msgs per month 07:05 PM January 13, 2008 from txt in reply to jowyang
    2. martinbowling martinbowling @jowyang A) 40% B) 0% C) 60% 07:22 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang
    3. Private Tweet @jowyang A 10% B 40% C 50% 09:57 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty Icon_red_lock
    4. David LaPlante davidlaplante @jowyang A) 15% B) 0% C) 85%. I’m always in meetings, otp, or doing something. Don’t spend much time in front of a laptop anymore. 01:55 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    5. Colin McKay Canuckflack @jowyang 10%, 0%, 90% 04:48 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    6. David Geller davidgeller @jowyang a) 30% b) 30% twitteriffic c) 40% pockettwitter on iPhone 01:18 PM January 13, 2008 from PocketTweets in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    7. PrivateTweet @jowyang A) 5% B) 30% (twitterific) C) 65% ( 04:12 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty Icon_red_lock
    8. Ontario Emperor oemperor @jowyang a browser 33 c mobile 67 (all mobile web browser-no sms) 01:00 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty (and has blogged about this survey)
    9. akihito akihito @jowyang Hi, in my case, A) 25% B) 25% C) 50%. *Tw* 05:55 AM January 14, 2008 from Twit in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    10. Brett Hammond BrettHammond @jowyang: a)5% b)0% c) 95% 12:52 PM January 13, 2008 from txt in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    11. Will Brown WillBrown @jowyang, 20%, 3%, 77% 03:55 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    12. Phil Hodgen philiphodgen @jowyang – used to be 95% SMS for Twitter. 12:51 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    13. Mukund Mohan mukund @jowyang A) 5% B) 10% C) 50% but D) Instant Messenger 35% 12:47 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    14. Direct Message: a) 10 b) 20 9) 70 01:46 PM January 13, 2008 reply
    15. Direct Message: a=40% b=20% (flock sidebar) and c=40%

    Straddlers: Those who rated two mediums of EQUAL value (11%)
    It’s interesting to read these responses, as they use more than one channel equally

    1. Christopher Johnston chrisjohnston @jowyang A)10% B)40% C)40% 03:09 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    2. Stefanos Karagos karagos @jowyang A) 40% B) 40% C) 20% 10:57 PM January 13, 2008 from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    3. Tim Peter tcpeter @jowyang a) 45% b) 45% c) 10% 03:55 PM January 13, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    4. Leah Jones leahjones @jowyang a)50% b) 0% c)50% (but I’d break c into 30/70 between sms and mobile browser. 02:53 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    5. Doug Meacham DougMeacham @Jowyang: 50% Browser, 0% Client, 50% Mobile (iPhone) 03:51 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    6. kg4jbj kg4jbj @jowyang a) 50% b) 0 c) 50% c is via mobile web browser 03:50 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    7. Vivi Cohen-Leisorek creativivi @jowyang A) 50% B)50% 10:50 PM January 13, 2008 from TwitterFox in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    8. Phil Hodgen philiphodgen @jowyang – Browser 20%, IM on Blackberry 40%, IM on computer 40% 12:46 PM January 13, 2008 from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    9. Andy Carvin acarvin @jowyang: A: 50, B: 0, C: 50, though i’d split C between mobile web interface and SMS. 03:45 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    10. Nicole Simon NicoleSimon @jowyang 100% browser when home, 100% mobile web client when on the road. due to limitations of all tools with multiple browsers … 09:45 PM January 13, 2008 from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
    11. Wayne Sutton waynesutton @jowyang a)40% b)40 % c)20% 03:45 PM January 13, 2008 from twhirl in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

    What did you learn? were you able to draw any observations or insight? Leave a comment below.

    13 Replies to “Some Twitter Users Prefer Browser Experience (A quick and dirty poll)”

    1. This is fascinating in the sense that the social networking does not take place on a single platform, like, for instance, on Facebook or Flickr. People are engaging with each other through a myriad clients, each one offering its own user experience of interacting with the Twitter service. In other words, and I’m thinking out loud, Twitter does not fully control the user experience. Apart from the monetization issues of such a model, the heterogeneous user experience does not seem to limit (and perhaps even increases) usability and popularity.

    2. Fascinating info! Personally, I am surprised that the use of clients in not higher. It would be interesting to see how these groups identify their usage of Twitter – power users, causal users, novices and to see if there is a trend in how they access Twitter.

    3. Thanks for the stats. I didn’t see your tweet on Sunday (my wife is limiting my use on weekends these days LOL). For me, I primarily use Snitter (client) but also use and hahlo/thincloud/ on my iPhone. So I guess I fall into the “many” category.


    4. Wonder how things would sort out if you looked at where these folks were replying to your survey from… how does what people are using match up with what they say they are using?

    5. Alex
      Exactly, Twitter is just a platform to allow the content to escape, reshape, and come back to something new.

      Colin, downloading clients is a mental obstacle for many, I assume it has something to do with that

      Aaron, good for you, stay out of the web on sundays!

      Peter, I don’t have that data, I would have to ask each of the clients, mobile carriers and twitter for that data.

    6. I found “mobile” and browser hard to distinguish between, since I use a browser on an iPhone. That being said, what’s amazing is that you got a 5% response rate. That’s bcause Twitter is a community. So if the question is appropriate, you will get 1)an accurate response and 2) a decent sample. Compared to the election polls, you’re doing unbelievably well.

    7. I echo Francine’s first comment, and ran across the same issue when Nate Ritter conducted a similar survey in December.

      In my mind, mobile use via a web browser is very different from mobile use via SMS (my corporate plan only allows 250 text messages a month, so SMS Twitter use is not practical).

      Unfortunately, you cannot gather this information from Twitter itself. Both my computer and my mobile posts are recorded as “from web” by Twitter. If you conduct the survey again in 6 months, you may want to consider breaking the “mobile” component down further.

    8. Hi Jeremiah

      Expected results I believe though I agree that the use of clients would increase in the future.It is also interesting to note the speed at which you got the sample and the results…Is this speedy answering another boon of Twitter in that it ensures that one is very specific with the answers…at the same time providing ease?

    9. Francine

      Sorry for the confusion, will reconsider. yes quite a decent sample for one single tweet.

      yes, measurement will be different, we’ll need to do a poll with more options in the future.

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