Rate the Superbowl Ads: How To Participate

Last year, I kicked off a twitter game that let folks rate superbowl ads, and we collected the results from the tweets and found that the popular favorites on twitter weren’t too different than what media analysts were predicting.

We found that many enjoyed making the game interactive, by watching and critiquing the ads (more fun that just consuming) and many non-football fans were able to get into the spirit of it, (some were dragged to the superbowl parties)

I’ll be on a plane flying from Maui to SF during the superbowl (not really a loss for me) so I won’t be there to enjoy the festivities, so this year, it’s going to be bit different, as it’s being kicked off by Brian Solis (who was with me last year), Louis Gray (his post here), Guy Kawasaki, Jesse Stay, Chris Heuer, and others.

Rate the Superbowl Ads: How To Participate

1) If you want to participate, you can discuss the ads on twitter, (feel free to say why you love/hate it) and be sure to tag it: #superbowlads. Dont’ have a twitter account? start here.

2) Then when you’re done, be sure to rate your favorite ad using this survey. (notice this page will show all the tweets tagged #superbowlads.

3) Throw back a few cold ones, clown on your friends, and talk some smack on twitter and in real life! Have fun!

The results will be published later, and I’ll link to it from this post.

13 Replies to “Rate the Superbowl Ads: How To Participate”

  1. This is where the psychology of participatory / interactive advertising will probably take us. I will likely hit the ‘snooze button’ when the ads run, but this kind of competition could prove a boon to advertisers as people engage – actually watching / discussing / consuming their content. This is at the crux of where I see advertising eventually going – i.e. into non-interuptive inline content (yes, a dream!).

    Isn’t anyone running the same thing to discuss the half time show?

  2. I'm excited for this years. It's almost getting to the point where people go to the bathroom and eat during the game so they can watch the commercials, haha.

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