Weekly Digest of the Social Networking Space: Sept 24, 2008


I’m respecting your limited time by publishing this weekly digest on the Social Networking space, which I cover as an industry analyst. By creating this digest (I started this over a year ago) it really helps me to stay on top of the space I cover.

I’ve created a new category called Digest (view archives). Start with the Web Strategy Summary, then quickly scan the succinct and categorized headlines, read text for my take, and click link to dive in for more.

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Web Strategy Summary
Telligent, a community platform (white label social network) raises a significant 20 million from Intel Capital. The New York Times, often a powerhouse media company has adopted social features into their website. MySpace lets users create their own ads.

Funding: Telligent raises $20mm from Intel
White label vendor Telligent raises 20 million from Intel Capital, this money can help them last the test of time past many competitors, or could spur on development and investment to take them to the next level. I’ll be watching closely, as next to Ning, this is one of the largest funds raised in this space.

Deplyoment: NYT launches social network
Yet another media company launching their social features to build community, the New York Times leads the trend, right along side Fast Company. Expect to see more deployments as companies adopt vendors like KickApps and Pluck for rapid deployment.

Advertising: MySpace lets users create their own ads
Users can now create their own ads, and these screenshots from Cnet. The interface makes it easy, much like creating your own blog theme and then launching your ads on their network.

White Paper: Trends and Best Practices via Awareness
One of the few Community Platforms to launch their own survey and then develop a report and white paper, Awareness launches their own resource center with their recent white paper.

Partnership: Lithium and Omniture
Lithium Technologies and Omniture Partner to Integrate Social Media into Web Analytics. Expect more deals to be cut over the coming months –esp after my coming event.

Launch: Widgetbox launches widget network
Harnassing a federation of bloggers, and content publishers, Widgetbox launches a network through 29 vertical channels. Much like how Technorati, Blogher, Federated Media, Glam, Gawker have done, expect this advertising network to reach to brands for vertical based marketing.

Features: KickApps expands video capabilities
KickApps Kicks it Up Another Notch With User Controlled Video Ads” reports mashable, allowing

Mobile: Mac users connect on iPhone
Net4mac a social networking feature comes to iPhone, letting Mac users and owners connect with each other.

Usage: Facebook redesign causes dip
Is the Facebook redesign causing user rejection? USAToday things so, and this piece indicates that users may not be adopting the Facebook redesign as they might have readily hoped. Link from colleague Zach Hofer-Shall

Quirk: Facebook ‘hole’ peers into fandom
Unexpected hole in Facebook allows members to peer and see what other members are ‘fans’ of. This instance shows what Zuckerberg loves.

Culture: College recruiters scan Facebook
Many students are unaware of the impacts of their online behaviors on social networks –and how they impact getting into college, and getting jobs. We now know that college recruiters are skimming and rejecting applicants.

Culture: Facebook profiles detect Narcisicism
Individuals with lots of friends and the “myspace angle” photos could be self-centered. Quite possible, or they may be trying to build up their business network (as in my case)

If you’re a social network, or widget company, I want to know of your news, send me an email, or leave a comment below. Help me stay up to date.

7 Replies to “Weekly Digest of the Social Networking Space: Sept 24, 2008”

  1. Hey Jeremiah, This is great. I would LOVE to receive your blog updates via my Kindle readers. Not sure how to make this happen, but there are definately blogs doing this already (e.g., TechCrunch, O’Reilly radar, Mashable, etc.)

  2. Pingback: The rhythm of love
  3. Pingback: college admissions

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