People on the Move in the Social Media Industry: July 7, 2008


I’m starting this post series (see archives) to recognize and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions. Please help me congratulate the following folks:

  • Shannon B takes the helm as the Community Manager at a grocery review community
  • Mzinga gets Rachel Happe, who will lead up a strategic consulting group. Rachel hails as a former IDC analyst covering the space, I look forward to learning more about her new program.
  • Bryan Person joins White Label Social Network LiveWorld as a social media evangelist. A great fit for both of them, wishing them both the best. I expect to see Bryan closer to the conversation I take in, as I cover this space.
  • This one is personally difficult for me, I’m very thankful for all that Charlene has done as a friend, teacher, and colleague, she now moves on to spend time with her family, and she says she’ll take some time off to determine her next steps.

  • How to Connect with others:

    Submit an announcement
    If you know folks that are moving up in the social media industry, leave a comment below, or if you’re feeling shy (it’s cool to self-nominate) send me an email.

    Seeking Social Media Professionals?
    If you’re seeking to connect with community advocates and community managers there are few resources

  • See Web Strategy Jobs powered by Job o Matic (Post a job there and be seen by these blog readers)
  • Connect with others in the community manager group in Facebook
  • Check out Jake McKee’s community portal for jobs
  • See Chris Heuer’s Social Media Jobs
  • SimplyHired aggregates job listings, as does Indeed
  • ForumOne Jobs for Social Media and Community
  • Teresa has a few jobs, some around community
  • New Media hire has an extensive job database
  • Social Media Headhunter
  • Social media jobs
  • Hiring? Leave a comment
    If you’re seeking candidates in the social media industry, many of them are within arms reach, feel free to leave a link to a job description (but not the whole job description, or I’ll delete it.

    I’m seeking folks that are related to full time hands on social media strategy and community managers, to be on this list, so let me know if you see these folks, and please submit them. Also, I probably will not include executive management changes on this list at social media companies, as the list would go on and on, but you can feel free to express yourself in the comments!

    15 Replies to “People on the Move in the Social Media Industry: July 7, 2008”

    1. Hey Jeremiah,

      Thanks for the update. Sorry to see Charlene leaving Forrester. Her thoughts and insights regarding social media (on which I have blogged a few times) have served to guide my own thinking. I hope she’ll remain one of the thought leaders in this space.

    2. Jeremiah, thanks for the mention. Really looking forward to starting at LiveWorld next week. I hope to take in more of your conversations, too!

    3. Hi Jeremiah –

      Great recommendations on the connection aspects; I’m following those links one by one. I’ve got a lot to learn, but at least I know I need to learn it. We’re starting something cool, and getting a community up is going to take skills I don’t have. Folks at large, help this CIO learn the ropes, please 🙂

    4. We’re feeling lucky to have Bryan–expecting him to add new dimension to the LiveWorld team. Thanks for including him (and us) in your list.

    5. I am personally moving from Mint to over the next month (slow, rolling transition right now & I am bridging work with both jobs right now).

      Good chatting with you today! We should do so more often.

      Congrats to all of the other folks for their new roles. I would also recommend that folks keep active LinkedIn profiles as well, largely due to the fact that I’ve had a number of potential job opps because of my profile on there.

    6. I’m looking for a Community Manager. We’ll be launching a large-scale web service in the next few weeks, and we want to build a strong developer and user community. We’ve got resources and budget to make it happen. I’m still working on a job description (the Forrester report has been really handy for that, Jeremiah), but I’d love to hear from experienced community people who might have an interest. That’ll help me nail the job description, not to mention fill the position 😉

    7. Thanks for including me into the movers and shakers post 😀 And congrats to everyone else and their new roles. Love this series, keep up the good work!

    8. Hey Mike,

      I’m currently managing a community with ~140k users, and am looking for a new challenge. Perhaps you can share some more details on your project.



    9. Dear Mike, Please email me at christine DOT brodigan AT gmail Dot com. I’d love to speak with you more.

    10. Cool info. I stumbled across your twitter and have tried to catch your site when you post stuff.

      I am looking to grow in Social Media. My site is starting to push better numbers than before and I am really happy about it. I still want to do more, though.

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