Upcoming Social Computing Workshop

This is an advertisement for Forrester services. I share a lot on this public blog, and we should be thankful my employer is so gracious to encourage this, so please show the same respect as you would to my other posts. For some history, I promote other events, workshops and conferences that are not ours, as long as I think they will help you.

But first, a story: A few weeks ago at Forrester’s Marketing conference my CEO George Colony (he blogs too) in front of everyone (hundreds in the room) asked me how I approach blogging. This was during his keynote, and he handed me a mic, I told him that companies can give away the appetizers for free, in order to entice customers of how great the food is inside the restaurant. To me, this blog is the appetizer, but the full meal with dessert and wine (literally) is at our 1:1 sessions, conferences, and consulting.

One of the ways that we are able to fuel our research, reports, and this blog is by generating revenue from giving workshops. Forrester Research has a 5% off Discount for those that want to attend my upcoming workshop (with Peter Kim) in San Francisco on July 17, 2008 San Francisco, CA.

We’ll cover the POST Methodology (how to approach social computing/media) from a high level perspective, and show data of how consumers actually use these tools. Then we’ll get into the weeds and discuss the five different objectives: listening, talking, energizing, supporting, and embracing along with several case studies for each. During this interactive session, you’ll be able to ask questions, get answers, and network with industry peers in this small classroom setting.

Social Computing Workshop
To get the 5% discount: Call 1 Call +1 617/613 5905.

At the end, groups will break out, dig into exercises and come forth with actual strategies that could eventually apply back at the home front. The last one we conducted, the ratio was two instructors for a class of 10, you’ll get a lot of specific questions answered.

If you’re not planning to attend, you know I give away a great deal of information on this blog at no cost, thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope to see you there!

6 Replies to “Upcoming Social Computing Workshop”

  1. Hi Jeremy,

    Would love to attend, only problem is that I am kinda far away from SF, namely in Belgium. I am flying to SFO for a Sun event, but that is only 1 week later.

    Good luck with the workshop, and I hope you will continue blogging, I am finding this very interesting.



  2. Laurie

    The workshop is relevant to both B2C and B2B social computing needs. Is that your question?

    Or do you mean ‘enterprise 2.0’ for internal use?

  3. Laurie

    Good news, We have a Workshop called Developing Enterprise Web 2.0 Applications which is taking place next on November 5 in Dallas.

    Jeffrey Hammond and Michael Gaultieri are leading this one¦ I included the abstract below.

    I’ll add the URL when it’s live.

    In this workshop, you will not only discuss Web 2.0’s ability to redefine relationships through social networking; you will discover the ways enterprise development shops are building innovative Web 2.0 apps with specific software technologies and approaches like RIA frameworks, dynamic languages, and SOAs. Forrester analysts will delve into the nuts and bolts of the Web 2.0 stack, and review the enabling technologies that drive it, the core applications that animate it, and the solutions that enterprises are building with it. As an attendee, you will:

    · Understand the Web 2.0 landscape, players and terminology.

    · Separate the hype around Web 2.0 from real capabilities and useful tools.

    · Identify what internal projects are the likeliest candidates for Web 2.0 technologies and applications.

    · Build an action plan to introduce and incorporate appropriate Web 2.0 technologies into your development organization.

    · Create a shortlist of opportunities for Web 2.0 within your own organization based on successful project archetypes.

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