Radio: Politicians Using Social Networks

I had a great time on Mario Armstrong’s Digital Spin Radio (NPR Affiliate) which was joined by KickApp’s Michael Chin (who has a cool accent). He saw my post on Social Marketing from Democrats and Republicans, which kick started this conversation. Also, McCain has launched … Continue readingRadio: Politicians Using Social Networks

Social Marketing from Democrats and Republicans

Above: The Social Technographics of Voters, read Josh Bernoff’s Analysis which further segments the behaviors of McCain vs Obama supportersa In this post, I’m going to make some observations from my network, but my only caveat is, this is not representative of the whole tech … Continue readingSocial Marketing from Democrats and Republicans

Democractic Nomination: Twitter, Blog, and Nominee Website Activity

I was watching the chatter, and participating in the conversation, with great fascination. I’ve recorded some data using free social media tools (minutes after Obama left the stage), that look at keywords on twitter, as well as ‘traffic’ to websites of the runners. I rarely … Continue readingDemocractic Nomination: Twitter, Blog, and Nominee Website Activity