Switching to Media Temple as my host

After being with Dreamhost since I launched this blog, I realized it was time to move on after my site would be down at least once a week, nor could it handle a large influx of Twitter users at a single time. To Dreamhosts credit they were very responsive to my support tickets, but I really never saw things improve as far as uptime goes, and that’s what matters.

Mitch Canter, my web designer is handling the migration as I move over to Media Temple, but there’s a few recent blog posts that are missing, but we’ll get it ironed out in short order. It’s interesting that Robert Scoble called me as soon as he noticed my site was down last week, reminding me that he works at Rackspace, but I’ve already started the migration plan.

Looking forward to good experience at Media Temple, I’ll keep this post updated as I learn more about the service.

Update: Some of my blog posts in the last few days are still being migrated, and I may have lost some of the comments, we’re working on retrieving those now. Hang tight till we get this all sorted out.

15 Replies to “Switching to Media Temple as my host”

  1. Jeremiah, I have been with Dreamhost since 2003 and have recently experienced significant downgrade in performance. Remember the downtime debacle about a year ago?! Can you tell me what led to you choosing Media Temple?

  2. John, good to hear, that’s promising. Their community manager reached out to me too after they saw my tweets I was coming over to them, that’s a good sign.

    Roger, I’ve heard good things about Media Temple from others, and they appear to have the right products that can scale out my service. I considered them in the past in addition to Dreamhost a few years go, we’ll see how it goes.

    Yes, Dreamhost hasn’t been that dreamy in the last year.

  3. Congratulations Jeremiah, I have been very happy on Media Temple, their virtualised approach to hosting seems to work really well. In addition to being really smart people they are really nice to deal with and are very patient at my being a technically-challenged.

  4. I know a lot of smart companies are with Media Temple, but there were a large number of negative reviews in the groups and forums. I’ve just moved from awesomenet.net–which I sincerely don’t recommend– to inmotion hosting. They are ranked #1 in 2009. So far their support has been exemplary, we’ll have to see about uptime. I’ll be interested to hear how Media Temple performs. I agree Dream Host is unreliable and that’s what really counts. Good luck.

  5. I had a very bad experience with MT’s shared hosting. Poor performance, even for a shared host and very condescending tech support.

    For shared hosting I recommend Bluehosts unadvertised $20/mon premium service where they limit the number of people per machine to ~20 (rather than ~200). Now I use a dedicated with LiquidWeb who are super awesome. They have VPS for about $70/month

    Good luck!

  6. Contrary to Hari’s experience, I have enjoyed nothing but excellent performance and stability from Media Temple since I signed up. Much like you Jeremiah, I eventually became frustrated with the frequent outages with Dreamhost. I hope you enjoy the same level of satisfaction with MT as I have. Best of luck!

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