Upcoming Events

Here’s where to find me in the coming weeks:

Monday, March 17 I’ll be in NYC at the API Conference as a guest of Stephanie Agresta.

Tuesday Morning, March 25 I’ll be speaking in Mountain View
Social Networking Half Day Conference: Business Applications of Social Networking on March 25th in Mountain View. Readers of my blog get a discount use the code SNC325. I’ll be presenting my presentation on “Online Community Best Practices” (I presented it twice today, one full version and one small version for clients and their customers).

Tuesday Afternoon, March 25th, SF
I’ll be at the SNAP Summit in San Francisco on a panel

Tuesday Night, March 25th, SF
We’re having a blogger dinner, stay tuned for details

March 27, 2008, UC Berkeley,
I’m waiting for more details, but it’s the Online Community Keynote

5 Replies to “Upcoming Events”

  1. If you should recommend three (3) events/conferences to go to in the US this year with the topic digital/social media and PR/Marketing. What would it be?

  2. You’ll be just down the street from me, if you’ve got time you should swing by for lunch or coffee.

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