The Tenacity of Jake McKee: A Social Media Case Study at Lego

How could one person create 20% of work for the legal department? Watch or Listen this video to find out.

The Conversation Group recently hosted an event celebrating 10 years of the Cluetrain Manifesto. What’s interesting is that only in the last couple of years has the train really started to build up stream. Jake McKee former social media practitioner at Lego tells his story on how he challenged and changed the culture within the organization to build relationships with customers, share proprietary information, and how customers were in line with employees.

This video is easy to consume, just put it on play, and listen in while you do your work.

18 Replies to “The Tenacity of Jake McKee: A Social Media Case Study at Lego”

  1. Wow….great video. Really helps me feel like I am not alone in the uphill battle in convincing people about the value social media and getting more involved with users.

    Thanks Jeremiah.

  2. Jeremiah,

    Thanks for your good work.
    Always useful, as any blog should be.

    And Kin, what do you do?
    You’re not alone in the uphill.

  3. Hi Rodrigo. Well currently I am social media strategist for / which I have amazing support all the way up to the CEO.

    However I just came from a company who speaks as if they embrace social media but are skeptical and fight you at every step. They still view it as something fun I do, not as a viable approach to business development.

  4. Rodrigo and Kin – you’re most definitely not alone in the uphill. Some days I feel more like Sisyphus than others, but what keeps me going is

    a.) sticking to a multi-phased strategy
    b.) using a locus of benchmarks to help other see how every incremental inch we’ve gained adds up to several miles
    c.) finding internal champions to help promote ideas

  5. Thanks for the recognition! I followed-up Doc Searls. No pressure. None. Really. OK, maybe a little!

    It was a great event, and huge thanks Ted Shelton at The Conversation Group for the fun.

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