Jeremiah is a Tech Investor and a Global Speaker



Graphic: Corporate Innovation Programs Come in Ten Flavors

Above: Click to see high-res version, of the 10 Corporate Innovation Programs Recently, at Crowd Companies, we published a research report on the Corporate Innovation Imperative (short version available on Slideshare), and found that companies are struggling internally with cultural pushback, but they’ve launched over … Continue readingGraphic: Corporate Innovation Programs Come in Ten Flavors

Call for Insights: Innovation Success Measures Report

Do you have proven success measures for your corporate innovation programs? If so, we’d like to interview you for an upcoming Crowd Companies report that I’m working on with Jaimy Szymanski The report will showcase how companies are measuring success for each of the 10 corporate … Continue readingCall for Insights: Innovation Success Measures Report

Infographic: Blockchain Opportunities for Every Industry

By Jeremiah Owyang and Jaimy Szymanski Blockchain technology has the potential to upend the way every industry manages its information and data, not only financial services.Imagine being able to track shipments through your supply chain with ease, down to the individual package or even component … Continue readingInfographic: Blockchain Opportunities for Every Industry

Corporate Innovation Talent Strategy: Intrapreneurship, Universities, and Acquisitions

By Jeremiah Owyang and Jaimy Szymanski Corporations are struggling to keep pace with technology trends, but the real innovation challenge lies in their internal culture. In other words? The “tech issue” isn’t an issue! According to our recent survey, the top challenge companies face in … Continue readingCorporate Innovation Talent Strategy: Intrapreneurship, Universities, and Acquisitions

How Advanced Corporations Innovate: Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS

In our research on corporate innovation, we found the most advanced companies allow competitors to innovate in their own buildings. Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS enables outside innovation inside the company. As a result, they’re improving the entire industry, including efforts of competitors, in order … Continue readingHow Advanced Corporations Innovate: Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS

Corporate Innovation Programs Come in Ten Flavors

Our recent research on Corporate Innovation Programs (download the high level version) found that companies are attempting to act more nimble and agile by deploying a combination of these innovation programs. Frequency varies, and budgets are skewed around Startup Acquisition, being the bulk of the … Continue readingCorporate Innovation Programs Come in Ten Flavors

Corporate Innovation Programs Focus on Teams and Empowering Internal Innovation

Though there are many ways to approach innovation, the majority of companies focus on building innovation teams or “Innovation centers of excellence,” as well as fostering internal education, before moving toward external deployments. In Crowd Companies’ recent report, The Corporate Innovation Imperative (download here), we … Continue readingCorporate Innovation Programs Focus on Teams and Empowering Internal Innovation