Meetup: Business Leaders to Meet Occupy Everything. Sat AM in SF

I’ve been watching with great intrigue the growing groundswell of the Occupy Everything that is directly challenging the economy, business, and the market. My business partner Charlene Li and I and the rest of the Altimeter analysts have been watching and discussing this growing movement, and want to learn more.

We conduct research (like this report on crises) for many of the large corporations that the movement is directing their energy at, and want to better understand this as this movement at this time is offering an ongoing dialog through their protests.

To learn more, Altimeter’s Charlene Li and myself (and other colleagues) will head to the movement to meet the protesters to engage in dialog and learn more from them their goals Sat morning in SF at 10am. We invite other business leaders (we’re business owners too) to join us, to engage in dialog and learn.

If you can’t attend (or too bashful to do so) please use me as a conduit, what questions would you want me to ask the protesters? Leave a comment here on this blog, or join the discussion on my Google+ feed.

I hope to engage in a civil conversation and learn more, as we continue to watch how business continues to evolve.

  • When: Sat, 10am
  • Where: SF: Federal Building, Market Street
  • Hashtag:  #ResearchOccupy
  • Planacast: Sign up here

Update: Colleague Alan Webber has posted about managing to disruption, in the context of Occupy Wall Street.

13 Replies to “Meetup: Business Leaders to Meet Occupy Everything. Sat AM in SF”

  1. Here’s a few questions, via Twitter

    LisaMLoeffler Lisa Loeffler @jowyang Besides protesting: What have they been doing consistently to make change in people’s lives around the issues they support?

    KristineSimon Kristine Simon @ @jowyang what does occupy movement stand for and what is the goal? A soldier got booed b/c he was upset about flag upsidedown #seattle

  2. Interesting – I personally experienced the movement here in Barcelona and saw the business community at large taking a back seat as the movement didn’t aim specifically at capitalism as much as the system (political) in general.  That may make be the difference for the increase of concern.

  3. Good for you that you’re connecting irl to learn more about the #OccupyWallStreet/ #OE ‘movement’ — can you attend not just as business owners, but also as citizens, keeping yourselves open to insights relevant to both roles?

    As you and Charlene look forward to the meetup, I hope that you’ll update yourselves on the actual activities, demands, outreach efforts, etc. of the Occupiers.  Too many people are sucking down third & fourth-hand conclusions about what the protests are doing, and why.  For example, anyone who says that #OWS doesn’t have a point, or has no demands, just hasn’t been visiting their web site.    I hope you can jump past the ‘tell us what you want’ stuff to get into a real conversation.

    I’ll look forward to your posts about what the convo was like.

  4. Be interesting to see if you can find anyone who has anything intelligent to say in there. From what I’ve seen in past recent footage, I’d say probability is low 🙂

  5. I will look, some folks are trying to help coordinate for me to meet some of the organizers, I know some of the movement was removed last night from the Federal building.

  6. I hope you have a nice day! Very good article, well written and very thought out. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.

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