Action Requested: Take the Web Strategy Survey

Update: Edelman’s Jonny Bentwood comments on the survey results, which I provided to him.

As the year winds down, I want to take a moment to breathe, recollect, and refocus on 2010.

In an effort to continually improve, I’m launching a survey to find out more about you, what you find useful, and what can be improved for the web strategy blog.  Frequently, I’ve taken the community’s feedback to factor into blog designs, and have taken in feedback from a survey we conducted about this blog in May 2008 (read part 1, and 2, ).

Although we’ll keep your name, email and other personal information private, I plan on sharing the high level findings (just as I did before), so we can collectively learn about the Web Strategy blog and the surrounding community.  I’ll also be sharing the anonymous data with some of the well known Analyst Relations bloggers, to get their take on it.  This survey is 20 questions, and should take hopefully less than 10 minutes to complete.  I really value your feedback, thanks.

Action Requested: Please Take The Web Strategy Feedback Survey.  (Update: Thank you, this survey is now closed, with nearly 200 respondents, will publish data soon)

16 Replies to “Action Requested: Take the Web Strategy Survey”

  1. Thanks everyone for filling it out, we're up to 78 responses, I saw a flood happen in the last few minutes, I think the email mailer went out to those who are subscribed on email.

  2. Your site provides an invaluable resource for confirmation and direction on certain subject matter. As another firm that speaks to the same space (Social Media more or less) it would be nice to see and better understand how it is you derive your conclusions and end processes. In short who do you get information from, who or what do you use as a resource (insight or otherwise)?

    From a end user point of view your right side bar would be better served (our opinion) with tools and such that compliment the subject matter and better assist the community to perform at the same level of professionalism as you do. Your accolades are well deserved but the same could be conveyed with a series of small buttons under “Connect with Jeremiah” freeing up your side bar for more great announces, tools, resources what ever else the community could benefit from (Not that we don't benefit from knowing your rankings … lol).

    We are undergoing pretty much the same metamorphosis (sorry shameless self promotion) as your site and actually reference your articles and postings as a Subject Matter Expert.

    Keep up the great work and continue the trail blazing as others in this space are doing (Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Mashable, TechCrunch etc – there are many more).


    James Chai

  3. Your site provides an invaluable resource for confirmation and direction on certain subject matter. As another firm that speaks to the same space (Social Media more or less) it would be nice to see and better understand how it is you derive your conclusions and end processes. In short who do you get information from, who or what do you use as a resource (insight or otherwise)?

    From a end user point of view your right side bar would be better served (our opinion) with tools and such that compliment the subject matter and better assist the community to perform at the same level of professionalism as you do. Your accolades are well deserved but the same could be conveyed with a series of small buttons under “Connect with Jeremiah” freeing up your side bar for more great announces, tools, resources what ever else the community could benefit from (Not that we don't benefit from knowing your rankings … lol).

    We are undergoing pretty much the same metamorphosis (sorry shameless self promotion) as your site and actually reference your articles and postings as a Subject Matter Expert.

    Keep up the great work and continue the trail blazing as others in this space are doing (Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Mashable, TechCrunch etc – there are many more).


    James Chai

  4. James thanks

    1) Often I get my information from the source direct. I'm often briefed by vendors, and speak with a variety of brands at events or conferences. When there's news that breaks, I often say that “I was pre-briefed” by the vendor (Salesforce, Jive, Yahoo, Microsoft) all want to tell me in advance –and get my feedback. I try to make my conclusions as logical as possible, so you can understand the logic flow (because this is happening, therefore this will happen, resulting in this).

    2) Are you asking me to put my hard earned trophy's in the garage? Heh. I'll do it if that's what best serves my business and community. I purposely put them as low on the page as possible, on the screen I'm using now, it's nearly two 'folds' beneath the page. With that said, if it comes across as too chest thumping, I'll consider removing them.

    I hope your page design works out well, thanks for the note James.

  5. —-Sorry about the double posting —-

    After I tried to post as a guest I remembered I had a Disqus Account and entered the details only to have it apply my response twice. My bad.

    As for putting the trophies up – NOT AT ALL. Just saying you can display them differently as I would agree 100% that you have earned and deserve them!

    The rationale to your questionnaires was to better determine the value of your site and its communication as it applies to the community. Anybody reading your site albeit personal or professional would more than likely be familiar with who you are. As such credit has already been given in Trust as far as signing up for email subscription, quoting articles and posts and overall sourcing you for said information.

    I don't know you personally but you come across as a person that doesn't need the big flashy sign/badge verifying your worth.

    Again this is just one guys opinion, not meant to offend you in the least. I am actually a big fan and often look to your site for direction.

    James Chai

  6. Well , the view of the passage is totally correct ,your details is really reasonable and you guy give us valuable informative post, I totally agree the standpoint of upstairs. I often surfing on this forum when I m free and I find there are so much good information we can learn in this forum!

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