Well not really.
My new friend Avi Bhatnagar showed me this clever viral video that combines personalization, as well as a social marketing impact. You can add your friends in the ‘spread this’ page to spread it among your friends and family, you can create your own here. Quite honestly, the video effects (while are obvious upon a close inspection) are a pretty good, all things considered. I noticed in my recent research report on Social Network Marketing campaigns, that DiGiornio had a simliar type of personalized social campaign that let you prank calls on your friends with the “Ditcher” –expect to see personalized marketing, interactive marketing, to meld with social marketing.
haha. “I love it! You’ve got my vote!”
Thanks, and I promise to make sure no Grandmothers are hurt during my campaigning.
What’s really terrific about this viral campaign is that they will capture 1,000’s of email addresses. So, rather than just sharing videos, views, blogs and comments, they’ll build an opt-in email list for future demand gen campaigns. Superb.
Jeremiah, that is way too funny! I kinda love the production values too which makes it work.
Yup, many many email addys, and all opt-in. One interesting thing is that since you submitted up to 3, they can map our your social graph, using those relationships in future campaigns. “so and so liked this website, so you would too”
Ha, I was sure I was going to get RickRolled at any moment. No slider on the video is kind of a bummer.
Oh Brian, you’re impossible to please 😉
Haha, Jeremiah it’s great that you blogged about this, Avi will be even more famous now 😉
Thanks again for coming to Juniper to talk to us last week, it was very informative and a lot of fun!
Anton, it was my pleasure, thanks for having me!
Alec for presedent
Its been 2 years for President Obama and his administration but they have not yet come up with a solid strategy about the Afghanistan.