SXSW 2008

I’m headed to SXSW Interactive Festival in a few hours, I’ve a red eye from Silicon Valley that’s going to give me time to sort through a few hundred emails, write a few blog posts, and pen the strawman for my upcoming report on OpenSocial: Challenges and Opportunities.

SXSW is a festival, not a conference. Its about parties, networking, conference then bbq, pretty much in that order (at least to me), what’s amazing is that most of the bay area tech scene picks up and transplants in artsy city of Austin, except for Dave Winer who said to me in twitter that it’s mostly for young folks (Ill be sure to find some “old” people and congratulate them for breaking the mold)

Check out my posts from last years events, (the awards, how twitter exploded on the scene day 2 and 3 coverage). If you’re headed to SXSW, I look forward to meeting you at the many parties, events, and at the conference itself, so please come up and say hi, I really love meeting folks. I’ll be at the following events:

Sunday: Panel: Scoop the Story on Your Blog We’re going to do something unique, that involves mobile and not just in the session room we’re intended to be, so please join this very interactive session.

Dinner at the famous Salt Lick outdoor BBQ restaurant with many bloggers.

Monday: Self Replicating Awesomeness: The Marketing of No Marketing, the killer panel will include: Chris Heuer Partner, The Conversation Group, Tara Hunt Co-Founder, Citizen Agency, Deborah Schultz Founder/Chief Catalyst,, David Parmet Owner, Marketing Begins At Home, Hugh MacLeod Grand Pooh-Bah,

Monday Night Party: An Evening of Conversation Starters at Icon Cactus sponsored by Federated Media and Dell , along with Bulldog Solutions, The Conversation Group, and Social Media Club Austin

I’ll also be tweeting where I’m heading in real time, I hope to see you on twitter, my screen name is jowyang. (Ill add you back)

Or you too can choose from the dozens and dozens of panels (and this is just the interactive sessions, not even the film or music ones)

I’m purposly trying to avoid any set meetings (except for the ones listed above) but if you do want to meetup, let me know of which events you plan to attend in the comments, and Ill try to make it.

5 Replies to “SXSW 2008”

  1. Hi,

    Any idea where I can find a transcript or video of Monday’s Self Replicating Awesomeness: The Marketing of No Marketing?

    I’d love to have visited the US, but what can you do?

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