Our latest research at Kaleido Insights from my colleague Rebecca Lieb
Download here: Global Content Strategy: This is Going to Be Big!
Enterprises are still in the early stages of integrating content strategy as a discipline, not only into the marketing mix, but also into operations and technology. Multinationals face a much more complex challenge: scaling content across borders, languages, cultures, and teams.
This report examines the specific challenges of creating an effective global content marketing strategy, as well as best practice recommendations.
Global content operations tend to operate either top-down, or bottom up. We learned neither approach works in isolation. Global content groups must enable local territories, but local (regions and/or countries) must be provided with sufficient autonomy to make decisions that will make content appropriate and meaningful within their geographic region. Global, regional, and local should, and must, inform the other.
This report was based on interviews with global content executives from companies including Intel, Visa, Save the Children, DuPont, Cisco, Intel, 3M and many more. It was additionally informed by the work we’ve done crafting global content strategies for some of the world’s leading brands.
Great piece – thanks! Any chance you might review content management platforms (or perhaps I missed a prior report)?
Really good content management is the future of online marketing.
everything we’re doing in 2018 is based on creating a strong content foundation. Thanks for your advice.