I had the honor of appearing on the famed tech channel ForeCast on This Week in Tech,, affectionally known as (TWiT), spurred from Leo Leporte. While I’ll keep it brief, you can check out the hour long show, where I streamed live from our office The Hangar (see pics from our recent event) in San Mateo.
This show, ForeCast discusses the future of technology, and I was able to give a prediction they’ve not heard before that “URLs and Domains as know them go away”. We discussed pushed the thinkiing and talked about how devices disappear, and fade into the background.

Click to advance to show, featuring: Tom Merritt, Scott Johnson, Joshua Caleb and myself
Love to hear your comments below, on the future or the web, devices, and work.
very iteresting) usually im not fond of things like that) but this time was quite interesting..
very iteresting) usually im not fond of things like that) but this time was quite interesting..
Well, I’m from Italy and like many others watching you I’ll hope one day you will tailor your broadcast having in minds foreigner audience too! Thank you. 🙂
That’s a great point, I certainly want to include everyone. Thanks GC
Phone conferences and video conferences makes the most sense – it saves money, travel time and more. It’s not always possible to work from home in some jobs.. But those that can – should.I believe the virtual office is most definitely the “office of the future” – top notch leading edge employees are going to do the same quality work (sometimes better) when given that freedom to work from home.. People are much more focused on doing a great job if all is well at home with the family. It would seem to me that if employees are given this option – the amount of sick days that need to be used by the average employee would go down as well.
John Souza