Altimeter Book: ‘Open Leadership’ the Next Phase of Groundswell

Open LeadershipIf you’re a catalyst for change within your organization, this book is for you, you should buy several copies for your organization today.

I’m proud to be part of the next generation of Groundswell, my business partner Charlene Li’s book ‘Open Leadership’ hits the shelves today.  If you want your management team to accelerate their thinking for your social business programs, this book offers insights, examples of how other leaders have embraced these technologies, internal audits, checklists and even ROI formulas that the C-Suite demands.

Like the prequel Groundswell, Open Leadership stems from solid research and yields real world use cases.  For those of you that are managing existing social business programs you know how the biggest challenge is causing  a culture change to happen from inside out.  One of the key levers in your business program will be to obtain executive buy-in in order to bless organizational change –without it, you’re plane can truly never leave the runway without great risk.

We work closely with many of the world’s social strategist’s a corporations, and know that the biggest challenge is a cultural change of letting go to gain more. This book, is a useful tome of knowledge that can accelerate learning within your executive suite. Use this book to quickly find examples of how other leaders around the globe are adoption social technologies in order to gain more.

I’d also like to point out, from an internal point of view (having worked with her a few years now) that she truly lives and embodies the spirit of being open. She ‘let go’ of a lot of control of the company in order to make it a partnership, and is always open to our eccentric ideas. Aside from being a thought leader in the concept of Open Leadership, she lives it within her own company.   I was previously involved in reviewing Groundswell before it was published and joined the Groundswell team, and am very proud to be back again working closely with Charlene here at Altimeter Group.

So, if you’re already investing your career to catalyze change within your organization, add octane to your efforts by getting your team, and executives moving faster by ordering a case of Open Leadership now, rarely do I ask you to take action and buy anything, but I ask that you do so now

Open Leadership Resources

Update: Thanks to you, it’s working, it’s now #10 on Amazon and #6 on Barnes & Noble as best sellers.

12 Replies to “Altimeter Book: ‘Open Leadership’ the Next Phase of Groundswell”

  1. this is without doubts the main problem i'm getting while trying to get clients to open their business to social plataforms. any insights on how to break the culture gate will be of extreme value.

  2. I was talking with a few folks in the industry yesterday about this (I'm in Shanghai right now) and they use books to educate clients, both internal and external to get things moving and defer non-billable education costs.

  3. I would love to read the book, but it has to be on kindle! I live in Manhattan and my wife has put a strict no more physical books policy on me
    Digital please!

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