Forrester’s Marketing Conference Day 2: Understanding Your Customers Through Engagement


Designing For Engagement, Kerry Bodine, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Sitting in the front row from Forrester’s Marketing Forum 2008, the theme for today’s event with over 800 attendees being Marketing’s New Imperative For Success: Engagement

Voices from the Audience:

Live Streaming the Morning Keynotes:
Harley Manning (Setting the Stage) and Kerry Bodine (Engagement), 52 Minutes

MicroBlogging: Twitter
Members are using their laptops and mobile devices to interact with each other using Twitter, a form of Microblogging.  Some of them are tagging their posts (called "tweets") with the event tag, you can view them all here.

Select Tweets include:

  • MichelleBB : Working to get all FedEx Kinkos up to standards of brand. They welcome that feedback.  Only way they’ll get better.
  • MichelleBB :  Ouch!  Kerry just called out Harley’s fanny pack
  • melmcbride
    : Kerry Bodine’s talk about emotional connection is
    amazing. I want to blog it once the vid is available as an embed
  • Rumford :  @worleygirl you give away the appetizers and sometimes the dinner. people love the knowledge sharing and become loyal
  • nickhuhn :  forrester CEO George Colony re: his blogging: i can’t believe MSFT isn’t behind typepad or wordpress as bad as they are 😉

Below are select images, but to see all public photos peruse this flickr tag ForrMarketing08,also see Jeremy Pepper’s set, and Forrester Research’s set.   Select photos, including those from Jeremy Pepper:


Cross posted on the Forrester Marketing blog

5 Replies to “Forrester’s Marketing Conference Day 2: Understanding Your Customers Through Engagement”

  1. I love the video feed. Very nice to be able to follow this event from Sweden. However, It would be even more interesting if I could see the slides instead of the speaker….Yours Anders

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