Above Image: Honeycomb 2.0, click and access multiple sizes stored on Flickr, Please share widely, with attribution, non-commercially.
The first version had six industries –now it’s twelve
I’ll be releasing this graphic on stage tomorrow at LeWeb conference in Paris, on a session called 2015: The Year of the Crowd.
Seven months ago, in May 2014, we published the first version of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb, which is also embedded at the bottom of this post. It contained six families of industries that are being impacted by P2P commerce, including: 1) Goods, 2) Food, 3) Services, 4) Transportation, 5) Space, and 6) Money. Today, we felt obliged to update the graphic, as it’s quickly expanded into many other industries and verticals. While many of these startups have been around for years, the new Honeycomb contains additional startups in the six original hexes, as well as noting expansion into these areas:
- Health & Wellness: For example, Helparound.co enables P2P diabetes care, including sharing of insulin and pumps.
- Logistics: For example, Postmates enables the final mile of delivery, and Roost enables P2P home storage.
- Corporate: Now corporations can have their own Uber-like experience with LocalMotion or build their own Airbnb with Near-me.
- Utilities: Power sharing with Vandebron, crowdfunded solar with Solar Mosaic, and WiFi sharing with Fon.
- Municipal: Cities are sharing street cleaning vehicles on Munirent, and public bike systems are heavily funded with Velib.
- Learning: Numerous startups enable students to share books on Chegg, as well as online training led by instructors and peers.
It’s worth noting that in the newer hex areas, they are often fewer logos as the market is young –in the more central hex areas, we had to remove logos due to excessive market crowding –a sign of market saturation in one area. I expect to see new hex areas in data, analytics, and a variety of new startups that offer help to providers such as insurance, financial services, benefits and more.
About this multi-month project
For transparency, these startups reflect those that were recommended by our members, industry experts, or which have received notable funding in the recent months. You can learn more about the funding, on this massive funding spreadsheet which has over 530 rows of funded startups, totaling over $7 billion in funding. The startups selected in this honeycomb have a Western market focus. You can create your own blank version of the Honeycomb for your own for your personal, business, or regional use, embedded below.
There are numerous folks we want to thank
We received input from our own Crowd Companies members and industry experts, and drew inspiration from folks like Brian Solis, who guided on the first iteration. To see a massive directory of over 9,000 startups in this market, please advance to the Mesh Directory managed by industry leader Lisa Gansky.
Additional input from: Lisa Gansky (@instigating), Neal Gorenflo (@gorenflo), Shervin Pishevar (@sherpa), Mike Walsh (@mwalsh), Brian Solis (@briansolis), Alexandra Samuel (@awsamuel), Bill Johnston (@billjohnston), Angus Nelson (@angusnelson), Augie Ray (@augieray), Jeff Rodman (@jeffreyrodman), John Sheldon (@jsheldonus), Jamie Sandford (@jsandford), Arun Sundararajan (@digitalarun), Jonathan Wichmann (@jonathanwich) and Vision Critical (@visioncritical). and special thanks to Vlad Mirkovic of Transart Design.
Access the services directly
Below, you can access direct URLs to each of the startups listed in the Honeycomb graphic, except for the cryptocurrencies which are decentralized resources. Again, this is just an example list of the 9,000 startups in this ever-expanding, heavily funded startup space.
Below: Each region, business, and personal usage will vary. In the spirit of openness and collaboration, we offer this blank template below (or access various sizes) for you to customize for your needs.
Below: For reference, the first Honeycomb (version 1.0), with the original six categories, is below:

Help me get an audience with CEO of Apple, MSFT, GOOG etc. for the good of mankind? They’ll be happy after we’ve met :). Thanks to you !!
Great rundown of the players in this space, Jeremiah. Hope the talk went well!
Thanks Eddy, it went well. Slides and video will be posted soon.
Great chart. Food is missing a category for grocery shopping. For example Farmigo. Also, WeWork should be added to the office space rental group.
I agree Wework and many other co-working spots could be added, reviewing.
Thanks, Jeremiah. I appreciate your and peers’ input. Please also cover such remarkably developing on demand parking and valet services. I suggest Luxe Valet as the most notable case on this point. It might be covered under the Transportation section.
I have a startup that is in a shared space NOBODY on this list has thought of yet. Billion dollar potential. Already cash flow positive from the FIRST time we launch. Curious? Ping me.
Whats up with this Giselle
The utility examples are cool. Will you be in KC next week?