If you’re seeking stats from 2008, I’ve compiled them on this similar post of 2008 social networking stats. Update, now see the 2010 stats.
Stats are important –but on their own, they don’t tell us much
Stats on social networks are important, but I’m going to need your help in creating a community archive, can you submit stats as you find them? I’m often asked, “What are the usage numbers for X social network” and I’ve received considerable traffic on my very old post (way back in Jan 08) of MySpace and Facebook stats, even months later. Decision makers, press, media, and users are hungry for numbers, so I’ll start to aggregate them as I see them.
How I interpret stats
Numbers don’t tell us much without insight and interpretation, in fact, you’re going to see conflicting numbers of usage from many of the agencies and social networks themselves. The key is to look at trend movements, don’t focus on the specific numbers but the changes to them over time. I put more weight on active unique users in the last 30 days vs overall registered, in fact, the actual active conversion rate will often range from 10-40% of actual users sticking around and using the social network, so don’t be fooled by puffed numbers. No single metric is a good indicator, you have to evaluate the usage from multiple dimensions, so you also have to factor in what are users doing, time on site, interaction, and of course, did they end up buying, recommending products, or improving their lives.
A Collection of Social Network Stats for 2009
I’ll be updating this post throughout the year, bookmark it, and share it with others
All Social Networks
Techcrunch has listed out comscore’s numbers across multiple social networks, Sources: Techcrunch via Comscore, Jan 1, 2009 Compete has released stats in Feb, comments by Cnet. Unique Visitors, Total Visitors and rank information. Cnet, Feb 10, 2009 Nielsen Online shows that: Social networks and blogs are now the 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email, Member communities are visited by 67% of the global online population, time spent is growing at 3 times the overall internet rate, accounting for almost 10% of all internet time, PDF, Nielsen Online, March Nielsen reports that Social Networks 68% more popular than email 65% (but not by much), Nielsen, Cnet, March 2009 Techcrunch has an interesting application that shows which social networks dominate by country, June 2009 eMarketer has compiled stats from themselves and others on the different age groups of Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn, July 2009 Ignite has data on a variety of social networks that includes traffic and demographic data. July 2009 Gender: Royal Pingdom compares social networks based by gender, in almost all cases, women dominate social networking sites over men. Nov 30, 2009
- eHow
- 39 million people visit eHow each month to accomplish their projects
- How to Boil an Egg is consistently one of the most popular articles on eHow
- eHow has more than 160K professionally produced videos
- eHow has more than 700K articles
- eHow has paid more than $1MM to members participating in the Writer’s Compensation Program
- Cracked.com
- Now over 2500 writers contributing pitches, ideas, and feedback in our virtual writers room.
- 18k+ total submissions to our daily caption contest in the month of June
- Most viewed article of all time on Cracked “The Top 10 Secret Celebrity Scientologists” hits 4.6M+ total views
- Original episodic video series, “S.W.A.I.M”, which offers hilarious commentary on oddities across the web, reaches 4M+ total streams
- Adding up article and topics page submissions, comments, craption entries, and photoshop entries, over 30k unique content submissions from users/month
Facebook has some very limited stats on their own website, view here, Facebook, often updated 150 million people around the world are now actively using Facebook and almost half of them are using Facebook every day. This includes people in every continent–even Antarctica. If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world, just ahead of Japan, Russia and Nigeria. Facebook is used in more than 35 different languages and 170 countries and territories. Source: Mark Zuckerberg, Jan 7, 2009 Facebook has 54.5 million monthly unique visitors, says Comscore, with a growth rate in the U.S. averaged 3.8% per month over the last year. Source, Comscore via Techncrunch, Jan 13, 2009 175mm users, with 600k daily growth of users, with the fastest growing segment “45% of Facebook’s US audience is now 26 years old or older.” Inside Facebook, Feb 15th, 2009. Compare the dominant Facebook vs MySpace traffic, stickablilty, and engagement, Compete, Feb 27, 2009 Despite those that have over 100 friends, most only communicate with a smaller subset of friends, and the rest is broadcasting to others. Now there’s not enough data presented to see if if content actually can still spread across those that do not interact. Source originally from Facebook’s sociologist, Feb 2009 This graph from Compete data shows Facebook has more users than MySpace, note the ‘crossing of the streams’, Compete, March Inside Facebook says: “the number of Americans over 35, 45, and 55 on Facebook is growing fast. In the last 60 days alone, the number of people over 35 has nearly doubled. Developers and marketers may want to think about how to serve this group of new users.” Inside Facebook, March “Women over 55 remain the fastest growing group, and growth among the teen and college-age set has been relatively paltry. In absolute numbers there are now even slightly more members between the ages of 45 and 65 than there are 13-to 17-year-olds.” Wired Magazine, March. Facebook Ranks as Top Social Networking Site in the Majority of European Countries. Facebook Captures #1 Ranking in Spain for the First Time in February, comScore, April Facebook dominates US visitors over MySpace: “Facebook pulled in 70.278 million unique visitors in the states, compared to MySpace’s 70.237 million, according to data released by ComScore. That made Facebook the most popular site in the U.S., in terms of visitors. Just a month earlier, Facebook had a little over 67 million U.S. visitors behind MySpace’s 70.9 million.” PC Mag,, June 16 Techcrunch found that Facebook is the fourth most visited website in June, 2009 Facebook hits 300mm users as of Sept 15th, they were 250mm in July, showing significant growth. The challenge? We don’t know how many accounts are active, registered doesn’t mean they are returning. Secondly, there are still large social networks like email to contend with: Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, and MSLive. Sept 15, 2009. Facebook fan page stats based on analysis of over 600,000 pages by Sysmos, Nov 2009. Demographic data released says “about 11 percent of the social network’s approximately 100 million U.S. members were African-American, about 9 percent were Latino and 6 percent were Asian, according to a blog Facebook posted Wednesday evening – a much higher share for blacks and Latinos than four years ago.” read this insight, or Facebook’s data, Dec 17th
“90 percent of its traffic coming from four countries – the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.” also “15 million members worldwide” and “comScore reports Friendster traffic in Southeast Asia dropped from 32.6 million unique monthly visitors in August 2008 to 13.7 million this August, while Facebook zoomed from 24.8 million to 71.1 million. Friendster had slipped even below MySpace, with 15.1 million, while Twitter surged from 600,000 to 10.3 million.” SFGate. Oct 2, 2009
60 million reported users, and Hi5 has introduced a gaming component. VentureBeat, Feb 5, 2009
“the site’s traffic is up in the recession. It hit 36 million members last Monday and is adding them at a rate of about one member per second. According to ComScore, it’s gone from about 3.6 million unique monthly visitors a year ago to 7.7 million today, Adage, March 2. Big growth, LinkedIn has grown to 50 million users as “As of early this morning, LinkedIn has 50 million users worldwide and we’re growing that figure at roughly one new member per second. When LinkedIn launched in 2003, it took 477 days – almost a year and four months – to reach our first million members. This last million took only 12 days” They report in Oct 14th,
Microsoft: Live, Hotmail, Messenger
Number of active WL IDs: More than 500 million active Windows Live Ids. Number of Hotmail Users: More than 375 million active accounts worldwide. Number of Messenger Users: More than 320 million active accounts worldwide. As told to me by Microsoft in April
76 million members in MySpace US, with a U.S. growth rate of 0.8% per month Comscore via Techncrunch, Jan 13, 2009 “The average MySpace user now spends 266 minutes (4.4 hours) on the site every month; a 5% increase over last month and a +31% increase year over year. MySpace says its users spend nearly 100 minutes more per visitor than the closest competitor.” Social media bible (who cites a press release), Feb, 2009 Compare the dominant Facebook vs MySpace traffic, stickablilty, and engagement, (repeated from the Facebook category above) Compete, Feb 27, 2009 Facebook dominates US visitors over MySpace: “Facebook pulled in 70.278 million unique visitors in the states, compared to MySpace’s 70.237 million, according to data released by ComScore. That made Facebook the most popular site in the U.S., in terms of visitors. Just a month earlier, Facebook had a little over 67 million U.S. visitors behind MySpace’s 70.9 million.” PC Mag,, June 16
Having spent time with Ev and Biz, they don’t provide a lot of data and certainly not a total user count, as a result, we often have to estimate based on the following sources.
According to Compete, the growth rate for Twitter was 752%, for a total of 4.43 million unique visitors in December 2008, in the start of 2008, Twitter had only around 500,000 unique monthly visitors. Source: Mashable/Compete, Jan 9, 2009 Demographics of Twitter: Lots of stats here: 11% of online adults use Twitter or update their status online Twitter users are mobile, less tethered by technology, Pew Research, Feb 12 Quantcast data on Twitter indicates that Twitter.com is a top 500 site that reaches over 4.1 million U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more educated, slightly more female than male, young adult audience. Quantcast, March Compete shows that Twitter is receiving 8million unique visitors in the month of March 2009. Compete (via Nick) March 10 Comscore data shows that “In February, 4 million people in the U.S. visited the site, up from 2.6 million the month before, according to the latest data from comScore. That represents a 55 percent month-over-month growth rate, compared to 33 percent growth in each of the two months prior.” Comscore, March Unique visitors to Twitter increased 1,382 percent year-over-year, from 475,000 unique visitors in February 2008 to 7 million in February 2009, making it the fastest growing site in the Member Communities category for the month, Nielsen, March “Worldwide visitors to Twitter approached 10 million in February, up an impressive 700+% vs. year ago. The past two months alone have seen worldwide visitors climb more than 5 million visitors. U.S. traffic growth has been just as dramatic, with Twitter reaching 4 million visitors in February, up more than 1,000% from a year ago.” Comscore, April “-the average user has 126 followers; -only 20% of its traffic comes through the Twitter website; the other 80% (logically) comes from third-party programs on smartphones or computers. So if you’re looking at Twitter stats on your website, you’re probably underestimating that source of traffic by a factor of five; -an early peak test of the service came during President Obama’s inauguration in January, when more than 300 tweets per second were being added to the message queue.”Guardian UK (Quoting Twitter’s Engineer Weaver), June. “5% of users accounted for 75% of all activity. This finding was based on indexing 11.5 million accounts, and then looking at the top 5% users who accounted for most number of Tweets….We found that 32% of all tweets made by the most active Twitter users were generated by machine bots that posted more than 150 tweets/day. The actual percentage of machine-generated tweets among the most active users is probably higher than 32% because there many bots that update less than 150 times/day, August, 2009, Sysomos Highlights include: “This shows us the exponential growth experienced by Twitter in 2009. In Q3, this plateaus at a rate of about 8 million new users per month” and “As of September 1st, the actual number of live Twitter accounts was just above 50 million.” and “the average Twitter user has 42 followers. It’s interesting to see the distribution of users by the number of people following them” and “over 75% of all Twitter users have tweeted fewer than ten times” read more data from the source captured on, Oct 5, RJReynolds Social Networking stats indicate that microblogging adoption has increased, those that are ‘younger’ are embracing (there’s limited age breakdown to justify what young means) and those with mobile devices are more likely to tweet. From RWW and Pew, Oct 20th
Xing has 6.5 million users, many of which have paid accounts.
Yelp had 25 million daily uniques in August 2009 and have over 7 million reviews on the site to date –told to me by Yelp in October 6, 2009.
2008 Stats
Need more? I have stats compiled in 2008 for AdultFriendFinder, Bebo, Digg, MySpace, Hi5, and many others.
A note about sources:
I’m simply collecting them in one spot unless I indicate so, these are not stats from my research. As a result, you’ll often see a discrepancy in numbers depending on source. I need your help, as you find references to usage, visitors, or registered members numbers in articles or reports, please leave a comment with the URL.
Jeremiah, thanks for the post and look forward to updates. Would love for someone to start to report on how many Twitter users post via the web, Tweetdeck, Twhirl, etc. Especially a split between mobile vs online updates. If you ever run across that info, please add to your post.
Jeremiah, are these direct users or combined with API/RSS users access? My sources tell me that there is a very big difference for twitter for example. Maybe as much as double if you count the API hits.
You meant the Twitter users. I don’t know for sure. I see a variety of numbers regarding Twitter, it’s very hard to find out the actual numbers.
Twitter hasn’t released official numbers that I’ve seen yet, have you?
twitter is still in the semi-early adopter stage. it will be fascinating to watch the way twitter continues to explode and make an impact on how we connect with friends/news/companies, etc….
Thank you for compiling all of these Stats RE Social Networking / Social Media in one place for all of our quick and easy reference, Jeremiah! 🙂
We appreciate your time and effort in doing this for and sharing this with all of us! 🙂
Thank you again and Have a Great Day! 🙂
Thanks Jeremiah…appreciate the work here…have you run across any modelling that speaks to splitting out North America…more directly referring to Canadian traffic and stats ? Cheers @MolsonFerg
The update on twitter stats is especially useful, my last check in put them at 2-3 million.
Not sure if this has been covered yet, but here’s another great list of stats
Thanks so much for collecting and sharing these numbers!
I was wondering if you have any data on people who have multiple IDs on Facebook (usually more than four). Just checking around with my friends, it would appear that it could be a significant number. They obviously do this for a variety of reasons, but wouldn’t this significantly affect the numbers quoted?
great analysis, can’t wait to see how the competition will continue 🙂
Very helpful data! Just what I was looking for. Still working to prove to clients that social networks will drive customers to buy.
Will do, that’s been harder to prove.
Thanks for collected these stats. I plan to use them in an upcoming webinar on the topic of social networking. I would like to stay connected as I have a commitment to create virtual citizens that collaborate and co-create. For me, it is the essential skill of our generation.
Tracey! Thanks, that means a lot.
Hi Jeramiah –
I wanted to use these stats as part of an e course I am creating – if I note this page as a source, would that be alright with you?
Thanks tons
Tracie Close
Attribution and a link would be great Write Minded.
Did you see the recent eMarketer data on Twitter? From April 28, 2009:
“eMarketer estimates there were roughly 6 million Twitter users in the US in 2008, or 3.8% of Internet users. eMarketer projects that the number of Twitter users will jump to 18.1 million in 2010, representing 10.8% of Internet users.
comScore reported that Twitter.com drew 4 million unique visitors from home, work and college/university locations in February 2009, up from 340,000 a year earlier”a 1,086% increase. Nielsen Online reported 7 million unique visitors to Twitter.com during the month, up even higher”1,381%”from 475,000 the prior year.
The Compete figures were higher for the month charted, and according to its latest figures, Twitter had over 14 million unique users in March 2009.”
This is a site that looked at some political impacts social networking had on the recent election.
What about tagged? the stupidest website in the world?
Thanks for compiling this info Jeremiah. Have you found info re when people are online using various social media? I came across some info re Twitter, but was wondering about the other sites. Thanks!
All my posts on Facebookstats are here: http://thekillerattitude.com/labels/facebookstats.html
Oh, only one this year so far I see, and that post is on Sweden. Time for a global update soon I guess, stay tuned.. (You’ll find global numbers from past years further down)
Check out the Flock stats in the second paragraph regarding useage, logins, and media consumption: http://www.flock.com/node/66815
A new target date, the ˜Submission Target Product Launch Date™ has been added to the Actual Production Dates.
The layout of this page changes if the submission is assigned to a Schedule Group after production has been initiated, to show two columns: Target and Actual Product Launch Data. For Commentaries, the Target data will initially show the information accumulated when requesting the commentary. For all other submissions, the Target date will show information accumulated during the production process, either manually before submission, or inherited from an assigned Schedule Group. Jeanette Llera
@Helen Kennedy – Yes, I haven’t seen any STATS about how social networking increases sales (across the board) but there are plenty of good examples of companies (small and large) who are using social networking to leverage sales – I guess stats don’t give the answer because it depends HOW you do it, not IF you do it – social networking will not automatically lead to increased sales, but doing it well probably will.
Great stats. I’m looking for South American stats on platforms and networks that are used or are from that region? Do you have breakdowns on Twitter / FaceBook / LinkedIn etc. for that region? I’ll keep looking and share them here when I compile them.
Shane Gibson
Thank you for sharing. Student Talk, Students Social Network Community and Utility that Help Students Socialize Around the world for Teacher Education and Meet, Exchange and Share Essays, Graphic Designs, Presentations, PowerPoint Projects. Students Looking to Educate in School College University Organization Institute Association, Totally Educational.
Look The first flash social network with dating for teens and young adults to adults. It even has a flash blog!
I think the median number of twitter followers would be more meaningful.
Also, unique monthly visitors probably does capture all of their traffic, because it’s a rare user who interacts exclusively using clients. Certainly pageviews isn’t meaningful, but everything I’ve seen talks about number of users.
Hi Jeremiah,
Your post is very helpful! Now that we’re halfway through 2009, do you have any updates or big changes that have occurred since you posted this article? Also, could you please comment on the trend in colleges and universities using Social Networking sites to promote themselves? Thank you!
This is brilliant, no self-serving comment here or new product launch, just a big thank you for your time and effort. These stats are brilliant for assisting me to convey the scope and growth of the online market to uneducated clients.
Again, a huge thank you for creating a central repository from a trusted source. It’s greatly appreciated.
“I put more weight on active unique users in the last 30 days”
–I think that’s the best way to interpret these stats. I don’t think that the overall rate of people who joined will help that much, because only a few of those who joined would probably use it actively.
All these stats are very interesting. One thing I am trying to wrap my head around is out of the users on twitter, if you took out the celebrities and the practitioner like us, what would you be left with?
Jeremiah, you never cease to amaze me. This is an awesome collection of stat related sites that I am certain to cite in the coming weeks. Keep inspiring and shining!
I know we’re right down at the bottom of the Earth, but do you know of any of any social media stats for New Zealand? You managed to get some for the Aussies 🙂
Great information collection ..Thanks a lot.
Can you also share with us any report/data about FriendFeed?
Thanks, Jeremiah.
Incredibly useful. Despite the discrepancies between the sources, it’s a valuable snapshot of statistics to compare with our “experience” of the social media brands in the marketing world. While many leading brands are jumping in, their is not yet a full appreciation of how social media is about to change the advertising business. Thanks as ever for arming us with hard facts and research.
Simon Mainwaring
Gracias por la info.. .muy util para mi!
Thanks a lot!
Jeremiah – I’m wary of the new statistic “More than 375 million active accounts worldwide.” for Hotmail – did Microsoft tell you how they defined “active”? How frequently do people have to log in to be active? Daily? Monthly? Just frequently enough to not have the username recycled? Do they have to do anything with the account (send an email) or just sign in once every six months?
I am thinking of this from the Forrester Social Technographics ladder point of view, where if a user doesn’t do something at a certain level of frequency they don’t “count”.
Thanks a lot for clarifying.
This is a new one that just came out that I recently joined. The site is very niche though, caters only to stage and performance artists.
However, it’s growing fast for a site that’s only been around for a few days. Nice twitter-style design, works great for those who fit into its niche.
Zach my main man.
In many cases it’s referred to as last 30 days have logged in. I’ll give them an ask.
Thanks a lot Jeremiah – it’s always an interesting question, and as you know well it’s very hard to compare apples-to-apples here, especially since everyone has an incentive to inflate their numbers (not really Hotmail any more or less than everyone else).
Cool information gathered. It is phenomenal how Facebook grabs that much in a while, mostly from Friendster I guess.
It is amazing how this Social Network sites (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc) have grown to million of user and millions of US$ dollars made for themselves. The only reason why they are so big and so profitable is because you and I, the users that have helped them to be so successful.
If we are such an important component of their success, how come they don™t share their $$ with us? ¦Where is a piece of the pie for us?… We keep inviting friends and making them bigger and profitable for free…. Well there is a new kid in the block, the newest Social Network Site that will be as bigger as the others, but it will compensate their users, subscriber and promoter with about 60% of their marketing $revenues.
This Next Generation of On-Line Social Network for Friends and Business has arrived¦It is the PERFECT PLACE¦to be Social with Friends, just like the other sites; but here you would be able to make money around the World! You, your friends and the friends of your friends will be able to receive many benefits for being part of this new Social Network call PFplace Registration is Free, Join in today and be my friend at: http://www.MyPFplace.com Thank you:) http://www.AndyDeJesus.com
Jeremiah thank you for your time and effort gathering these. Do you have any recent information on how many users there are per country? male female break down? thanks for your continued great work
Nice compilation Jeremiah. Static stats don’t really give a strong impression of the scale of Social Media / Network at the moment which is why I created this counter – enjoy 🙂 http://www.personalizemedia.com/garys-social-media-count/
There is a newly created social network and it grows like 1400 members in 3 months, not really understand about static or anything,,,,this social network is created for I-Kiribati people and their friends around the globe.
the link is
have a great day all….
This was very helpful. Would you happen to have more statictics on GenY?
Nice work, I shared this with my community of social network entrepreneurs at SantiagoMerea.com. I guess you will get the trackback. Thanks!
Great to find these statistics all in one place! This is helpful information to support my argument that social networking platforms are here to stay as opposed to a flash in the pan phenomenon. Looking forward to seeing the 2010 stats.
facebook posts its own statistics on a link on their website, and some are a little different then the ones you have posted here
and what is with this new social network site under http://www.coldtube.com
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
this is just great. It also shows again, maybe I am wrong, that Twitter analytics stay assumptions, a dangerous foundation to use for any bold statement around social media. Some call it early stage, some hype… future will tell
Nice blog. well posted.
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I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
I agree about the stats of Facebook, it is surprising how limited they are! Good post again!
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Here's more internet stats
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I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
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I'm glad with friendster, after facebook and twitter came, friendster abandoned immediately… especially in my country… Indonesia…
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It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
It's amazing to see how many people are active on the internet these days. All of a sudden in a couple of years, social networking has grown leaps and bounds and it has reached people of all ages across the globe. Quite amazing!!!! The numbers are only growing by the day.
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
Wow thank you SO much, I have a small social media marketing company & have been crawling the Nielson reports *soo boring* for hours and finally found this blog. It is like everything I could want in one place!
You rock thanks again!
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
This is basically like facebook but for people who love tattoos, music and art. The site even allows you to take a picture of where you want a tattoo to go, then scan the tattoo and you can see how the tattoo will look on you before you go and get it ink'd. –> http://skinpoison.com/
I sure would be interested in the stats on some of the other major Social Networks, Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit, Propeller etc. I think you would be amazed at their growth as well. Do you know where I can find the stats for these sites as well?
a good list
a good list
a good list
a good list
a good list
a good list
a good list
do these social networks have earning potencial or just survive on stock money flow? what is their future?
do these social networks have earning potencial or just survive on stock money flow? what is their future?
I've never got into Twitter… I tried but it's not as fun as Facebook
I've never got into Twitter… I tried but it's not as fun as Facebook
i have a better suggestion http://socializedcard.com
it helps to find else where you on internet? (social network sites)
i have a better suggestion http://socializedcard.com
it helps to find else where you on internet? (social network sites)
Thanks for all the great information. I am glad I ran across your blog. I look forward to reading your next post.
Now a days social networking is hottest thing in our real life. People get new connection and find new friend either from their citiy, state, country or from abroad. This is also good way to find the people which you have forgot or don™t have their any contact info. Really it™s interesting. on new generation growing social networking site is MySocialPoint.com. People can chat, make blog, search jobs, post classified, watch videos-audios and lots of funny things to do. So why not you join today and get connected with whole world.
Have you found a breakdown of users by country?
Has anyone found an actual breakdown of the users by country?
Have you found a breakdown of users by country?
It's coming soon, prob on Altimeter blog.
It's coming soon, prob on Altimeter blog.
Latest & Greatest Stats on Social Networking. Thanks!
Latest & Greatest Stats on Social Networking. Thanks!
thanks for this post very useful
thanks for this post very useful
according to the facebook press statistics area there are 400 million members and users worldwide.
according to the facebook press statistics area there are 400 million members and users worldwide.
Wow. This is very useful for entrepreneurs.
Wow. This is very useful for entrepreneurs.
Thank you – great information
Thank you – great information
Hi, My name is Floris Zuallaert and I wrote an article using some of your statistical info. It is called 'How to use Social Networking Sites to market your organization' You can find it here: http://www.shopseal.com/blog/how-to-use-social-… Thanks for being a generous analyst!
Hi, My name is Floris Zuallaert and I wrote an article using some of your statistical info. It is called 'How to use Social Networking Sites to market your organization' You can find it here: http://www.shopseal.com/blog/how-to-use-social-… Thanks for being a generous analyst!
Hi, My name is Floris Zuallaert and I wrote an article using some of your statistical info. It is called 'How to use Social Networking Sites to market your organization' You can find it here: http://www.shopseal.com/blog/how-to-use-social-… Thanks for being a generous analyst!
These are helpful, I didn't realize friendster was so strong in the countries listed. It hasn't caught on as much in the United States? I'm going to check out your 2010 stats now. Thanks for sharing.
These are helpful, I didn't realize friendster was so strong in the countries listed. It hasn't caught on as much in the United States? I'm going to check out your 2010 stats now. Thanks for sharing.
pulling this together. … No one can deny the explosive growth of Social Media and Social Networking …
pulling this together. … No one can deny the explosive growth of Social Media and Social Networking …
Do date only people you're attracted to, no matter what your friends say. Approval by your peers doesn't prove a thing.
Do date only people you're attracted to, no matter what your friends say. Approval by your peers doesn't prove a thing.
There is a newly created social network and it grows like 1400 members in 3 months, not really understand about static or anything,,,,this social network is created for I-Kiribati people and their friends around the globe.
the link is http://www.besttipstechnology.com
There is a newly created social network and it grows like 1400 members in 3 months, not really understand about static or anything,,,,this social network is created for I-Kiribati people and their friends around the globe.
the link is http://www.besttipstechnology.com
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I think now twitter has the max number of visitors. After it Facebook, Myspace come.
I like to tweet in twitter
I also appreciate Jeremiah's work , it's great.
This is really very very helpful data, that help me a lot.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing
I am agree with you.
Good comment, thanks.
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so glad to know this, thank you
How are you doing today! hope all is well with you over there in your country,i hope that you are Enjoying the atmosphere of peace and love.
I hope this massage will find you in the best of your health,I am happy to received your mail today,I really like to have a good relationship with you,
I have a special reason why I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here and Like I said my name is Dalandaa Namogo,I'm from Liberia in Monrovia the capital of my country in west Africa, I'm 24 years old,I'm fair in complexion.
I am a medical student, i stop my education last 4years being 2006.
Please I write not only to introduce myself to you, but also. I know that receipt of my communication shall be a great surprise to you considering the fact that we did not know each other or had any negotiations before now.
I deem it necessary to introduce myself in detail for you and the need for your assistance to claim and invest my inheritance for me! i am a Secretary to my fathers company starting from my school level up till his death.
My late father Mr. Mason Namogo. was a successful business man, he was also the Director of (MASON INDUSTRY COMPANY LTD) West Africa which is popular in my country. He is also the formal assistance head of state during military Reign. Unfortunately i lost him last 4years September because of the problem he have with his elder brother concerning his company.
His elder brother was assisting him as the manager of his company. you know that this world is full of wicked and evil, my father help him because he is the only blood brother which he have,Due to his wickedness and greediness he plan with high killers and killed my father and pretend that my father was killed by armed Rubber but he don't know that i know his secret.
After some months he plan to kill me as he killed my father, due to my mother was also not alive, she was dead when i was age of 12years,i don't even enjoy my mothers hood, and after that my father was taking very good care of me till his death. so my wicked uncle want to take all the factory and the company alone, but one of his guide review the secret to me and i escape from my country after i received some trait that show me that he want me dead so that he will take all my Fathers Company because i am the only child of my Father.
I manage to escape to the nearest country called Senegal which i am living as a refugee right now, here Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by God's grace i will come out here soon.The only person I have now is Rev David Thomas who is the
Hello Khalid,
I hope you are in good condition of health,and very worried why you do not reply to my mails.I really really like to hear a single words from you soonext.
pastor of the (Mount Zion Church Of God) here in the camp, he has been very nice to me since I came here but i am not living with him rather i live in the females hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women, i write and reply mails through the office of the reverend.
The Reverend Tel number is (00221-777817661) if you call, please tell him that you want to speak with me so that he will send for me in the hostel.Call from please As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.
I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to the death of my parents took place.
Please I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your country.
Please listen to this,i have my late father's Statement of account and his death Certificate here with me which i will send to you latter, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in European which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is $5.5M (Five Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars).
I have wrote to the bank where the money was deposited and they told me that i will have a foreign partner who will assist me because of my refugee status.So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travelling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.
Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.Because I think you are an honest and understanding person.i will soon be with you for more love and caring over me in your base.
My favourite language is English. Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said i have a lots to tell you.i attach my picture here to show you who i am and i will also be expecting your own picture in your next mail.
Have a nice day and think about me.
Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Yours Forever in mind.
well, i read this site and there are more trips!
well, i read this site and there are more trips!
Statistics are loved by marketers. It is as if they provide us with a sense that our art is based in science!
This article is informative and provides food for thought. Thanks for putting up all the links! I'm sure many of you are like me and one of the first things you do in the morning is head here and check out the new post. Along with seeing the new posts, I'm also always checking out the blog roll rss feed and watching them grow, or shrink sometimes. In one of my past …but all in all excellent site. Keep it up!
This is really cool, a lot of these I didn't even know about and now I can start using these networks. Thanks for collecting them and putting them into one post for us. I would probably never found these…
thank you.
Hey…,what about orkut?
I'm pretty surprised how good Linkedin is doing, I was always thinking there is only facebook and not much more.
Do you have any recent information on how many users there are per country? male female break down? thanks for your continued great work
You have to evaluate the usage from multiple dimensions.
Thanks for compiling this info Jeremiah. Have you found info re when people are online using various social media? I came across some info re Twitter, but was wondering about the other sites. Thanks!
it is great
Fascinating stats. Great research for my next project.
Hey, I just hopped over to your site via StumbleUpon. Not somthing I would normally read, but I liked your thoughts none the less. Thanks for making something worth reading.
I agree with what you said. “Numbers don™t tell us much without insight and interpretation”, but for now, it's easier to relay on those numbers because they give you accurate information and you may increase your standards by using that.
when comes out with a social netword stats for 2010?
Thank you for sharing this.
Social Networking is becoming a phenomena unseen before in the world. Everyone is becoming connected.
Thanks,seems like the social networking fenomenom isnt going to end soon.
Finding and reading this post got me thinking about what other things I could do online to further improve my website because I would like to monitor improvements towards my website…
Finding and reading this post got me thinking about what other things I could do online to further improve my website because I would like to monitor improvements towards my website…
And i dont get it ,why does twitter get the attention it does,facebook and myspace do the same thing,and more
I really do think that socially networking will continue to go a long way as it has really helped many online marketeers in the success of thier respective businesses online… Thanks for sharing this one, it has really been helpful to me.
Thank you for compiling all of these Stats RE Social Networking / Social Media in one place for all of our quick and easy reference, Jeremiah!
Love it ^^
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can i get details about social media use in India ?
 I don’t see anything there for Stumbleupon, that is the only one that seems to send any traffic to my website
wow, so fantastic talent. I find her designs to be extraordinary!..really agree this point
Great collection of social network statistics. This might be a reference to compare the present social networking sites growth percent with past years growth percent. Facebook and twitter both are rocking in these days and along with these there are some more new social networking sites which are launched in 2010 & 2011 are reached to more people. They are Google+ and Pinterest. These are also most used social networking sites.