Story Board: The Collaborative Economy for Corporations (Slideshare)

Are you trying to help business folks understand what the collaborative economy or sharing economy means to their companies? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of news on this topic from NYT, Economist, Forbes, and don’t know how to translate it to your work? Are you seeking a clear set of examples on how it’s happening and what a company should do? If you said yes to any of these questions, the embedded, slightly campy storyboard is just for you.

In the above storyboard, you can mouse click on the right arrow, then click on your right arrow key on your keyboard to quickly advance.

For corporations, this movement is very similar to the ‘social media revolution’ we all felt in 2005-2009.  Then corporations adopted by launching their own blogs, forums, communities, and Facebook pages.  Fast forward today, companies are still institutionalizing social.  Hold onto your hats my friends, another movement is happening again, and they’re also using social technologies.  Instead of just sharing media and ideas, they’re sharing goods and services, and in many cases, they’re avoiding corporations to get what they need.   This is a direct disruption to corporate revenues, as people share products with each other –rather than buy anew.  If you’d like to to go deeper, read the full research report, which this story board was based from.

Six Things You’ll Learn From This Story Board

  1. How the next phase of social business is the collaborative economy.
  2. A definition of the collaborative economy, a new economic model of shared ownership and access.
  3. Examples of how people can get what they need from each other –rather than from corporations.
  4. Three solutions for companies, using the Collaborative Economy Value Chain.
  5. Real-world case examples of what innovative corporations are doing now.
  6. An overview of the market challenges and business benefits of joining this movement

Thank you Rexi Media for the assistance on the production, and the Slideshare team for your continued support.  If you found this slideshare useful, feel free to embed it, tweet it, and share it on with others, so we can all learn.

14 Replies to “Story Board: The Collaborative Economy for Corporations (Slideshare)”

  1. I’m not sure it’s the “same social tools” that allow consumer participate in the collaborative economy–it’s the networks. The tools that succeed will plug into and enhance the p2p commercial capacities of those same networks. This is also true of the tools that brands create.

    I predict that the first batch of tools to fail in this space will fail for the same reasons the first wave of branded mobile apps failed–walled garden / lack of “social interoperability.” Remember those branded apps that had such narrow purposes, the ones that were self-contained, and really just created because some senior exec said “we need an app?” It’s going to be dejavu, soon. “We need a collaborative economy [thing], never mind the broader utility!”

  2. Thanks Ian.

    We’re both right. It is the same tools, social networks like Facebook and marketplaces like Airbnb both have: 1) profiles 2) social graphs to connect people 3) Meaningful exchange of ideas or services.

    In fact, over 50% of the sharing startups (and growing) have Facebook connect, and over 70% are replicating social features found in social networks.

    They are using the same technologies, but I do agree with you, that they’re not all interoperable.

    I do expect that could help these companies work together to create a common API that could then yield shared profiles, reputations, connections, and share products.

    I do believe that Airbnb will eventually open their own API and platform to allow select 3rd party developers to build certain aspects, but we don’t know when or with who. Will it work with potential competitors? Dominant players don’t often have to do this.

  3. “At a scale without boundaries…” That is a powerful point about the collaborative economy. The crowd is armed with the tools of technology to collaborate, inform, share, and rethink distribution strategies. This new found control is empowering. The idea of letting go could be a steep hurdle for businesses.

  4. This concept is absurd. My friends don’t barter much less give sustenance good. I don’t borrow anyone’s car online, let alone do so with the reliability or ease of a car rental service. People are sharing but most consumer good are still baught from companies almost absolutely. If you want to be a step ahead in business, do some light studying on it then create your own original business ideas & construct unique models. Stop relying so heavily on arid analytics in the place of vision. Thank you for the information.

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