Keynote Slides: Converging Your Paid+Owned+Earned Media #MUS13

What should 2000 marketers know about the future of digital marketing? Thanks to Marketo, I’ve been asked to share recent research from Altimeter Group on how Paid, Owned, and Earned is converging into one single form of media live at their customer event here in San Francisco.

In this presentation, you’ll find the highlights from our recent report on Converged Media (Open Research, which you can download and share at will) and this slideshare includes a problem statement, definition, 6 real world examples, a workflow broken down into pieces, and closing remarks.

Love to hear your comments, if your brand is already converging Paid, Owned, and Earned, so we can tell your story on your success. A thank you to Jessica Groopman and Rebecca Lieb at Altimeter, who co-authored this research and content with me.

Thanks to Danielle Naboulsi of Sundog for the write up
CMS Wire covers the presentation, as well as Amber’s, who spoke after me.
Additional discussion on Facebook