Video: The Five Eras on Social Web TV

Above Video: John McCrea and long term friend Joseph Smarr (He knew me way back when I was Hitachi’s community manager) and I…ahem yes, Mr Spock too, chat on Social Web TV at Plaxo, one of the companies I interviewed for the report.

The Viddler player is social in itself, you can leave comments, tags, or hyperlinks in the segment itself, yup, I’m Viddler’s evangelist Colin Devroe’s baby daddy, you won’t be surprised to find out that is one ugly baby.

The blog post covering the recent release of the report The Future of the Social Web continue to radiate across the web –with interesting discussions, questions, and comments.

Also, I was asked do I keep track of the accuracy of my predictions? The answer is yes, we self-graded our predictions from 2008, and are keeping ourselves accountable in this transparent world. It’s important to note that no one can predict the future, so that’s why we did research and interviewed the top minds at the top companies, what we compiled is the most accurate lens to what’s going to happen that anyone’s been able to package into a report. I’ve also started a running list of examples in the five eras of the social web, so we can watch how it unfolds.

I write to you from Amsterdam, as I trek the globe sharing the five eras of the social web research, I look forward to coming to your conference or company to present.

Categories: Uncategorized

16 Replies to “Video: The Five Eras on Social Web TV”

  1. Jeremiah, you always deliver great content. Thanks for laying our the five eras of social web so clearly and deeply. It will be interesting to see how social commerce develops and how long it will take most companies to catch on to what’s been happening under their noses. The good news to all of this is how relationships, community and authenticity are evolving so quickly online.

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