Obama’s Technology Promises

Now that the dust has settled between the candidates, we should keep an eye on the President’s promises he made to the technology community. Never before have we seen a president give this much focus on Technology (let alone use new technology in addition to old for his campaigns) and it’s important we remember what he has planned and promised.

Some may argue they don’t want government in the private industry, but without a doubt, technology changes not only how American culture is being changed as well as connecting with other cultures outside of our border.

In this snapshot, he discusses economic competitiveness, H1B Visas, exposing government data, offers online political collaboration, increase access to broadband and it’s speed, wireless security, technology literacy, he discusses, but doesn’t promise electronic medical records.

Venture Beat has the details on this online document

Barack Obama’s technology policy – Get more Information Technology

12 Replies to “Obama’s Technology Promises”

  1. I wish my grandparents, who barely spoke any English, were alive today to see an African-American elected to the highest office in the land. Looking back, I can see the fingerprints of Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy in the DNA of my.barackobama.com — it’s clear that there is a larger vision for the next 100 years baked in.

    It will be interesting to see how these policy talking points play out. For example, at the Denver Convention we had a spirited debate about network neutrality: while the official position is that carriers are “tempted” to impose a toll charge on content and services, my MSO experience suggests that there is a real cost of building and maintaining infrastructure, especially as texting and video traffic skyrocket. Should phone companies be allowed to raise rates to reflect video content trends, and should they be allowed to incorporate an offset for the landline/yellow page business that is getting pulverized?

    We need a real discussion on why the telecom reforms of 1984 and 1996 not only failed but actually exacerbated the issues they were designed to face.

    We need to confront the tradeoffs between “free” and “paid” content in a world where daily newspapers are about to enter their last Ice Age.

    We need to ask ourselves whether doubling investment in new biofuels should be a Federal priority over a national distribution system that makes it economically feasible to provide distribution to multiple nontraditional fuel types.

    We need to understand how C-SPAN’s attempts to provide transparency on Congress backfired and turned legislators into grandstanders – before transforming all executive branch departments and rulemaking agencies.

    Should CEO acquiescence to Federal requests under one President be subject to criminal prosecution under a different president? And does Sarbox-style accountability for CFOs – i.e. criminal prosecution – mean similar penalties for CEOs who unknowingly breach consumer privacy covenants?

    Let me be clear – I am moved by President Obama’s message and intent. By moving discussion of these items into public purview, we can bring the nation’s collective creativity and enthusiasm to bear on our nation’s most vexing problems. In that vein, we need to be better at listening, not talking.

    I am hoping we see more implementations like Uservoice or GetSatisfaction, and fewer message board-style rants.

    What do you think?

  2. Pingback: Change.Gov
  3. i like obama but he was the first presidnet and he knows about technology nice to meet if u like i will accept that i will not forget that ok…>…..

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