Perhaps you’ve read my informal analysis on Target and Wal-Mart’s Facebook campaign that I did last year, well Forrester has asked me to formalize a report in the spirit of a formalized community review scorecard.
I’m seeking examples of Social Network Marketing campaigns (there hundreds, if not thousands of them being deployed) and want to identify those that are successful (and why) and those that are failures (and why).
If you work for a container or ‘organic’ social network like Hi5, Facebook, MySpace, Lindin, CyWorld, Bebo. Or, if you’re a brand or interactive marketer that’s launched a campaign within a social network, or know someone that has, please submit the campaign details to me for this upcoming Forrester report.
I’m looking for URLs, where I can explore the campaign, how it was deployed, and see how the community interacted, or the lack of any real traction. If you know of any campaigns that you weren’t involved with that you thought were a success or failure, you can also let me know.
Leave a comment below, or send me an email at jowyang at
There is a story here about local government knowledge management in the UK. The brand is local government, so might be an interesting comparison to a consumer product or whatever
The gentleman who knows most about it blogs here
They have gone from zero to 10,500 members in 14 months.