Above Image: Readers of this blog asked for coverage in Social CRM, Mobile Social Networks, and Community Platforms. This is in alignment with my goals for 2010.
First of all, thanks to those who responded to the 2009 Web Strategy survey, the results were telling. One of the questions that I asked was about areas of focus, I’m pleased to hear that the direction readers want me to focus is in alignment with where I’m headed. It’s important to have goals, (even my personal goals to live in Hawaii 30 days a yearlike Operation Bluewater) and I’m happy to share my focus for the coming year.
Here’s my baseline topics that I’ve been blogging about, and helping clients through advisory and research, I’ve been doing this since I ran the social program at Hitachi, back in 2006, over four years ago.
Organizational Social Readiness: 80% of a companies success is getting their organization ready through the right roles, processes, policies, measurement, only 20% should be on tools. I’ll continue to talk about organizational readiness.
Social Strategy: This also ties into social marketing strategy, which should be focused first on socialgraphics (how your customers use these tools) and business goals not reacting to the latest technology.
Vendor and Technology Review: I’ll continue to cover the social networking space, like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, as well as enterprise systems like Community Platforms like Jive, Lithium, Telligent, Awareness, Mzinga, Pluck, Eos, Salesforce Chatter.
I make it a point in my career to always be uncomfortable: trying new things, looking at the upcoming changes and taking risks, I hope that by continuing to blog what I learn, we can grow together. The areas of increased focus for this year are:
Social CRM: An organization’s response to the fleeting customer in the social space, and how companies must provide a holistic experience to customers by creating processes, integrating new channels, and responding to customers in near-real time. Why this space? Most companies don’t know they need it, but as customers increase their social behavior, tacking, managing, and responding will become increasingly difficult. I’ve already blogged some of my findings, read all the posts tagged ‘social crm’.
Location based and Mobile Marketing: I place to distinct separations between these topics, although they are intrinsically tied. I’m placing bets on the increased marketing context that’s available by triangulating information through mobile and location devices. Similarly, I’ll continue to look at applications that extend to mobile devices a natural extension to the social web. I’ve never put a lot of effort into the immature mobile space, but the adoption of these mini-computers are taking off, the space is slowly moving out of diapers and into adolescence. Read all my posts tagged ‘mobile’.
Now back to you: What topics and focuses will you have during this coming year? What areas of education are you planning to bolster up on? What will you practice and deliver? Wishing you a very successful 2010!
Great post Jeremiah. Two things stand out:
1. trying new things, looking at the upcoming changes and taking risks
2. strategy focused first on socialgraphics (how your customers use these tools) and business goals “not reacting to the latest technology.
A great place to stand in 2010.
Your post has been of great influence on my career as I currently lead internet adoption, corporate web strategy and web business models development in emerging market.
As you pointed out; for organization readiness is the first and major thing as trying to use social media without being ready is a disaster waiting to happen. As in other technology, if you are not into technology business, technology should only be an enabler for your business not the focus.
I've planned to explore potentials of internet business in the emerging market while guiding major corporation on corporate web strategies as the challenge here is to know “web Intrinsic” (most corporation are still struggling here).
I will also be exploring web business model; helping investors and startups to understand the engine room of online business success which includes knowing how to be profitable from their web business. Separating business from the buzz!
The focus on social/organizational readiness is dead-on. Understanding processes/policies/measurement is the key to the “social media takes too much time” issue.
Thank you for this post, and for your others as well, Jeremiah. They truly are valuable.
The two points that stood out the most to me pertain to organizational social readiness and social strategy. Many organizations I come across wish to move within their comfort zones, which are slow to expand, and grow frustrated as they find themselves lagging behind the trends. They truly do need to look first at their customers and business, then at what tools are available, and make a decision. Future flexibility will be key, but right now the organizations I come across jump in and out of trying technologies and never fully realize the benefits with the intent to adjust accordingly. They simply make no decision and no commitment.
SCRM is always important, but being in the events world, we'll be watching the evolution of community networks, augmented reality and mobile technology and application.
One of the things I'd like to do more of (and help others do better) is to better correlate online and social strategy to real business objectives. I think a lot of times we get caught up with the new and shiny and forget what pays the bills.
Another of my resolutions (that may conflict with the above) is to just do and try things. To stop worrying about having every tiny bit of information before I more, but to move and learn as I go. To fail and fail fast.
I appreciate everyone's comments thanks.
Great post Jeremiah, especially like the focus on mobile and Social CRM. Paul Greenberg's efforts on Social CRM are ones to watch in that area.
As for my interests.
1> Engagement marketing – filling the gap between the marketers focus on content for promotion and understanding how social media works in terms of conducting outreach and engagement.
2> I was thinking about starting a podcast on British Expats in the US, might make interesting listening.
Good stuff as usual and thanks for sharing your findings. It's a telling sign that a successful blogger's goals are in line with their readers expectations.
I hope to have the chance to collaborate on some Social CRM initiatives this year!
Talk soon,
– Brian
Great post; I suspect the risks will mostly be taken by small businesses who have less to lose and more to gain and can shift more rapidly than an Enterprise which has far more to consider in risk, such as shareholders.
GREAT post! I tweeted this article and also added it to my Company's FB page.
I have been blogging about the same focus for companies in 2010 and also working with clients on what I am calling “The Digitizing of Business”. This will be a BIG year for Digital Marketing which to me includes Social Media. I look forward to reading more from you.
love the pov that “80% of a companies success is getting their organization ready through the right roles, processes, policies, measurement, only 20% should be on tools.” also heard Microsoft say at the Nov/09 #e2conf that orgs should budget about 25% of their total SharePoint 2010 investment on cultural initiatives: different numbers, similar perspective, all confirming what we often say at frank: you can't leverage a 2.0 business with a 1.0 mindset. that's why we created frank/inside. (free sample tools at http://www.slideshare.net/areyoufrank/franks-fa…) thanks for kicking open this critical conversation, Jeremiah. look forward to the expanded discussion / more action on 2.0 biz cultures in 2010!
CRM vendors have had challenges for the past 10+ years. A lot have come close to a decent solution, but they are not perfect. I'm very curious to see the evolution of SCRM and am anxious to keep on top of that topic.
When I saw the comment on “triangulating information” I initially thought you were referring to who, where, and why. There may be many companies who can add the context of why you are in a certain location, but if someone can put it all together, it really makes the mobile marketing space much more interesting and valuable.
Needless to say, I'm enjoying reading your work, and good luck keeping up the rate of quality output in 2010. Quite impressive.
This is a great post. The rightr strategy is important in this cluttered market.
Big question Jeremiah. Great post. For me this year it's:
1) Social CRM (A place where I feel sales, social media marketing, and customer service can meet)
2) Guerrilla Social Media Marketing (Ethical applications)
3) How do we quantify the impact that leadership has on success using social media, and how do we teach that.
4) Lastly, innovative book marketing and book formats are something that I think is really going to be part of and effected by the social web.
It's going to be an exciting year to come 🙂
Big question Jeremiah. Great post. For me this year it's:
1) Social CRM (A place where I feel sales, social media marketing, and customer service can meet)
2) Guerrilla Social Media Marketing (Ethical applications)
3) How do we quantify the impact that leadership has on success using social media, and how do we teach that.
4) Lastly, innovative book marketing and book formats are something that I think is really going to be part of and effected by the social web.
It's going to be an exciting year to come 🙂
Sounds like a great use of technology for Customer Advisory Boards – we've had a lot of success at http://www.customeradvisoryboard.org/ to share best practices on this topic!
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Oh this topic… love the pov that “80% of a companies success is getting their organization ready through the right roles, processes, policies, measurement, only 20% should be on tools.” also heard Microsoft say at the Nov/09 e2conf that orgs should budget about 25% of their total SharePoint 2010 investment on cultural initiatives: different numbers, similar perspective, all confirming what we often say at frank: you can't leverage a 2.0 business with a 1.0 mindset. that's why we created frank/inside. (free sample tools at
) Thanks for your feet to open this critical conversation, Jeremiah. hope to expand the discussion / more action 2,0 business cultures in 2010 Nice to visit your site. Wish you post another good topic like this. I will wait to read it.
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I have been blogging about the same focus for companies in 2010 and also working with clients on what I am calling “The Digitizing of Business”. This will be a BIG year for Digital Marketing which to me includes Social Media.
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