A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008

This is an updated revision of the 2007 version, which was one of the top viewed posts for the entire year. I’ve added quite a few new forms as they’ve emerged or come to maturity over this last year.

If you’d like to translate this, feel free to do, then leave a comment below, I’ll add you to this list, as well as call you out in a separate post.

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  • Summary and Audience
    This document catalogs the many tools and tactics available for corporate web strategy in 2008. Even if your strategy or resource limitations restrict you from entering all spaces, awareness of the changes in our digital landscape are critical. This document is intended for decision makers roles such as CMO/VP/Director of Web and Marketing.

    Changes in communication require corporations to adapt and evolve
    In North America the web medium in the number one medium in the workplace and second at home, a significant portion of your resources should be developed around your online programs, research indicates the web medium will continue to grow. We also know that prospects in a variety of stages in the buying stage use the web to make decisions, this is an arena no company can afford to ignore. Most importantly, future generations are native to the web, and this will only increase over time.

    This is not a substitute for a plan or strategy, this is simply an index of tools. This list is not prioritized, nor should it be considered formal analysis, A strategist should first identify objectives, develop a plan only then choosing tools, and in that order.

    For many corporations who’re not fully aware of all the tools available, deploying web marketing goes beyond your corporate website and google results.

    The Many Forms of Web Marketing:

    1) Corporate Domain

    This has been a standard since the late 90s, nearly every company, mom and pop boutique now has a web presence. The primary purpose of this is to provide the public with information about your company, it’s products, and anything else they may need. Corporate websites often compose of several features that are listed below.

    A) Corporate Site
    Large to small companies have established a websites around their brand, the content is around marketing products, support, and corporate information. Despite the massive efforts to perfect the corporate website, much of the content is irrelevant as prospects shy away from marketing content and start to use social media.

    B) Portal Strategy
    Widely popular in the late 90s this strategy was intended to serve up all user information on one page, and keep users on one’s domain. A few well known portals now exist such as MyYahoo which is a form of a feedreader. Most modern marketers realize that content is now distributed.

    C) Microsites for Segmentation
    Typically deployed around new product launches or campaign focuses, or specific market segments, these often short term websites are used for calling specific attraction. They typically have a unique URL and are tied to an integrate campaign. See Microsoft’s Origami microsite. Caution: some companies overly deploy these microsites and end up with a distributed and unfocused web strategy.

    D) Interactive Web Marketing
    The web is more than a ‘read only’ medium, unlike other mediums, companies can make the website interactive, encouraging a new dynamic of engagement. There’s a variety of technologies to use from uses of Javascript, AJAX and Flash based. Of course, one can only go far where the limitation is that it is still a ‘user to computer’ interaction. A few examples include Subservient Chicken experience, What kind of M&M are you, and Geico’s Caveman Crib.

    E) Intranet
    The web isn’t just for communicating to prospects and customers, similar strategies apply to your employees. You can get more information by joining the Intranet User Experience Group, or find other online resources to this specific field..

    F) Extranet
    Used for communications with partners, or customers, extranets are secured websites that companies grant access to. Features could include dashboards, updates, support information, and detailed product information.

    G) Regionalization
    In today’s global web, websites are translated, reformatted and segmented by region, culture, class. Be sure to focus on France, China, Japan as fast emerging languages. Also see report on internet usage in third world countries.

    2) Search Marketing
    Ever heard of Google? Many prospects use google in the ‘hunt’ phase for a product. By paying a third party or a search engine directly you can obtain a strategy to get your website listed in search results. I’ve heard a variety of stats demonstrating success of natural vs paid results, however the ROI is usually positive. It’s likely your competitor is also present on the Search results page. View my few posts on Search Strategy or contact Andy Beal, David Berkowitz or Brian Keith.

    A) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Many web groups at large corporations have a document, a process, or even a dedicated resource who’s goal is to make sure web content is easily found, indexed, managed and correctly served in search results. There’s been some recent discussion the state of the SEO industry.

    B) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    Frequently, companies will hire a specialized search company to purchase keywords that will help drive contextual links in search results. These ads are contextually displayed based upon the search query. There’s a growing and sometimes controversial industry focused on these techniques.

    3) Out Bound and Syndicated Web Marketing
    Used to help ideas spread off the corporate website, this list of tools extends reach by direct channels, and as well as ‘pull’ techniques where users opt-in. Be savvy when using these tools to respect the best interests of your customers, otherwise it’s one-click to unsubscribe or spam.

    A) Email Marketing
    While certainly not completely native to the web, they certainly are tied. Modern email campaigns (sometimes even direct marketing) involves barely personal emails blasted out to indviduals on a mailing list. These modern versions typically have the option to be HTML based, and have hyperlinks brining users back to the corporate site or Microsite. I hear the conversion rate for these are 2-5%, and typically deploy a positive ROI. Having spoken with many Web directors and Marketers, this is a task best suited for an outsourced vendor. Be sure to read the research on the growth for this industry in 2007.

    B) Invasive Marketing

    “Pop-ups”, and “Pop-Unders”, trojan and tracking software are both disruptive methods to obtain the attention and data of users. Research indicates this form of marketing is diminishing, use with caution, or not at all (ask your Ad Agency if they are doing this without your knowledge) remember the market can associate your brand with the way you reach them, and users are now in charge.

    C) Syndicated Content and RSS

    I lump Syndication into this category as I see it as being an evolution as marketing shifts from Push to Pull. RSS is quickly becoming a method where users can opt-in for additional content. For more information start with Six RSS Resources for the Internet Professional or Web Strategist, when you’re ready to deploy read Web Strategy: Understanding Syndicated Feeds for your Corporate Website.

    4) Brand Extension
    This is not a new concept, it’s simply been applied to web properties. The strategy is simple: where your market is, so should your brand.

    A) Web Advertising
    I’m sure you’re all familiar with the banner, tile, or skyscraper advertising (IAB) model on websites. This age old strategy simply suggests that if there are eyeballs your brand should ‘impress’ upon the users. Click through rates are typically in the 1% or lower rate, sometimes success is measured by brand impressions, (visitation by traffic). These ads are static and do not change even if the content on the webpage changes.

    B) Contextual Advertising
    These targeted ads will be served up on the webpage depending on the content that’s on the page. This is a more ‘intelligent’ and therefore more relevant than Web Advertising, which may not be targeted at specific content. This form of advertising can be text, images, media or other form and are common on websites, blogs, and are now appearing on web based emails sites. (Submitted by David Berkowitz: Feb 13th. 2007)

    C) Sponsorship and /Cross branding
    This is a method of promoting your brand with the right audience in which the property is rewarded for integrating your brand. This can occur on content sites, shows, media properties, blogs, podcasts, and just about everything else. This is expected to increase in 2007.

    D) Social Advertisements
    Having just appeared this year from Facebook, it uses contextual information from users who have become “Fans” of a brand, then ads are severed to their network, in an endorsement. This has been highly controversial, and the return on investment is not yet known.

    E) Widget Advertising
    Having just appeared this year from on containers like Facebook, Bebo, LinkedIn, and Friendster, widgets have proliferated at an amazing growth rate. Expect advertising networks to form over the next year, where a brand can purchase space on any number of widgets across different social networks and communities, groups such as: RockYou, Slide, Widgetbox, and Watercooler to start with. See all posts tagged Widget Strategy.

    F) Affiliate Marketing
    Affiliate marketing programs compensate partners and alliances that bring referrals, leads, or sales. While it overlaps with other forms of web marketing, the goal is to provide the right content or products to the target demographic. Examples of this include placement on comparison shopping sites, loyalty sites, and product review sites.

    5) Community Marketing and Social Media Marketing
    eMarketer’s research indicates that this is the fastest growing area of growth for Web Advertising and Marketing is in the Social Media space. In my experience, the awareness rate is around 30% and deployment 10-20% for most corporations. Some of the tools listed below are not new, while some become critical in how prospects find information about products. Remember this section is less about the tools than it is about the end result: people connecting with other people.

    A) eCommerce/Rating Sites
    For most consumer products and a majority of enterprise products, there’s a variety of websites that rate products both by expert (sometimes called analyst) or peer review. The most popular site that has done this in the text industry is CNET reviews which deploys both editorial reviews, video demos, and user ratings and opinions. Content can be both positive and negative about your company as well as your competitors. Ratings and voting has evolved with popular news voting sites like Digg.

    B) Social Networking, Forums, Wikis, Collaboration
    I’m tying these two together as both features are starting to merge in many modern versions. While founded from early usenet days, forums allow for communities to form around similar ideas and collaborate. Approximately 33% of companies deploy forums. Wikis have also been used to tie industries together as well as. Savvy marketers are starting to also realize the power of social networking sites in every flavor of focus, including image sharing sites like flickr for marketing. I’ve created a list of all White Label Social Networking platforms.

    C) Syndicated Marketing
    See section 3C above.

    D) Podcast Marketing
    Many corporations are reaching their community though on demand content on mobile devices, the key to this medium is certainly in the ‘pull’ strategy. I’ve listed out my recommendations in a recent post called Corporate Podcasting Strategies for 2007.

    E) Blogging
    I estimate about 30% or less of businesses are considering blogs (web logs) as forms of business communication. The subject has been talked about quite extensively, I recommend reading Naked Conversations, the Weblog Handbook, and the Corporate Blogging Book. To learn about all the forms of businesses blog. If you’ve not yet deployed a Corporate Blogging program, I reccomend learning from my experience as a corporate blog evangelist.

    F) Widget Marketing
    Widgets are light weight web applications that are being embedded in websites, blogs, forums, and social sites. Flickr badges, MyBlogLog, and in ways even the Firefox community marketing campaign are companies that are engaged in this way. This isn’t anything new, I noticed this trend before the term gained popularity, and called it Viral Chicklets, to learn more there’s a growing list of examples on Widgetbox.

    G) Online Video and Live Streaming
    While Online Video has existed for many years on the web, it’s most notably been gaining traction from the video blog, or video sharing sites of great popularity such as Google Video, or it’s recent acquisition YouTube. I recommend starting with thinking about Video for your Executives and thought leaders. This also includes live streaming where participants can webcast video in real time, often accomplished by chat features, see this full list of live streaming companies.

    H) Instant Messaging, Presence
    Clever marketers are figuring out how to involve real time conversational media using Instant Messaging tools, presence, and status tools, such as Twitter. These tools tie to online and mobile devices. My experience with Generation Y is that they are using IM as their primary way to communicate over all other mediums.

    I) Tagging, Collective Tools
    I’ve discussed how tagging can be used to harvest marketing intelligence as well as help your SEO results. See using Delicious for Market Research. Properly tagging content as well as researching how tags are used will help communities find your content.

    J) Voting Features
    Popularized with the website Digg, members submit news stories and they are voted up by the community. More representative than democratic, there’s criticism that only a few hundred users can control the content that makes it to the front page. This has also been deployed in corporate extranets, such as Dell’s IdeaStorm where customers can vote for future products or features. Expect this feature to appear in other websites over the next year.

    K) MicroMedia
    These microblogging tools allow users to share bite sized information with their social network or from mobile phones. With the launch of Twitter spring 2007, it started to gain traction, as well as Pownce and Jaiku. Expect this form to be a major form of communication for 2008, as it starts to gain hold. See all posts tagged MicroMedia.

    L) Infinite Other Flavors
    The list of potential applications can go on and on, from Toolbar plugins such as Delicious plugin, Alexa Plugin Attention recorder, etc, to web based mobile applications. User voted news sites are rapidly appearing such as Digg. There’s a whole another category (read all my posts tagged Community Marketing) on the many different forms the above tools create when they’re combined, from Community sites like Microsoft’s Channel 9 to real time Conversation indexes like Techmeme or Technorati’s WTF, new ways to find, sort and harness information will emerge over the year. The notable attributes include a ‘community’ or ‘viral’ and ‘conversational’ tone to them.

    6) Virtual Worlds
    Tied both to online gaming and social networks, the virtual world emulations have gone from experimental to a haven for some immersive communities.

    A) Virtual Worlds
    Second Life is being trialled by large companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sears and a variety of retailers, although there are many other virtual worlds such as ViOS, ActiveWorlds, Entropia Universe, Utherverse (Redlight Center & more)

    B) Online Massive Multi Player Games
    Also popular are Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG for short) are appearing online such as World of Warcraft (WoW), and Club Penguin a growing online game for kids, teens, and some adults. XBox 360 has IPTV capabilities and most console games have online components, so there are multiple experiences to tap into. Opportunities include content cross-over, branded experiences, and external social networks on the internet.

    C) Online Games
    Gaming networks have started to create mini-flash games such as mini-clips, Yahoo Games, and other networks. Supplemented with advertising or sponsored branding, these can be embedded and spread to other websites.

    7) Related Mediums
    The web will be a platform and will extend to other mediums as well as create new ones.

    A) Internet TV (IPTV)
    While still emerging, the web will marry the TV and content, communication will evolve to a new form of media we’ve not yet seen yet. I doubt it will be as simple as ‘TV content online’ or ‘Reading websites in the living room’. Something new will appear, and it will impact your web team. See all my thoughts on IPTV.

    B) Mobile Content
    Websites are already being viewed on mobile devices, either full browsers, or fast load browsers. Many executives, decision makers, road warriors and techies are accessing the web using mobile devices, so a strategy to deliver correctly to this medium is necessary. See all my thoughts on Mobile Technology.

    8 ) Experimental: To Watch
    While not yet here, here are some following forms to watch this coming year.

    A) Portability of the Social Graph
    Currently, social network members have to add over and over new contacts, and inaccuracy between networks is common. Expect the social graph (the online representation of your network) to be separated from the social networks. Websites will soon have members interacting with each other as the social graph extends to static websites. Read all posts tagged Social Graph.

    B) Vendor Relationship Management
    Purely conceptual, expect a systems to rely on the intents of prospects or buyers to emerge, which will anonymously signal to vendors to bid for the needs of customers. Learn more from Doc Searls program.

    Putting it all Together
    Whew, that’s the major families, but remember for many corporations, these elements will not be successful in a vacuum, the opportunity for momentum happens when they are combined and used strategically. At least one person or group should have full knowledge of how your brand is being used online and in other mediums.

    253 Replies to “A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008”

    1. Great list! For clarification, how would you include classify an online business like amazon or ebay? Or would you consider them outside this list of marketing tools?

    2. Rob

      It falls under 5A: eCommerce/Rating Sites

      That’s a website, that has several of the above features. They both have ratings, votings, user comments, and amazon has blogs

      Since customers are talking about the products, this is certainly an area where your decisions are being made.

    3. Happy New Year, Jeremiah! You marketing tools list is terrific, but marketing is *listening* as well as content distribution. I think a category of “listening tools” would round it out just a tad – and a couple of measurement tools too. You are definitely implying them here (del.icio.us, tagging, collaboratives), but as marketers we are still far too focused on push (with “pull” just being “push” in a different direction). 🙂

      Listening – and measurement (and measurement *is* possible) – need to be key tools in the marketers toolbox. Maybe such a “medium” category would make the message. 🙂

    4. Yo thanks alot Jeremiah, this list is profound.
      I was wondering if it is not too much to ask, but it would be cool if you maybe created a forum on this site or on the facebook group and give ‘mini assignments’ that could help us hone our skills regarding your blog postings. And then everyone could compare what they made (or more discussions in general like the one about brands and social networks).
      Thanks a bunch.

    5. Linda, GREAT suggestion, let me give that some thought on how to integrate it.

      I’ve done a LOT of research on the topic, (see my posts tagged “Social media measurement”)

    6. Fantastic list Jeremiah – I can’t think of anything obvious that is missing.

      One thing you may wish to consider changing. Search Marketing and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are pretty much the same – a term used to cover all aspects of search related marketing. Search Engine Advertising or Paid Search might be better channel names for anything related to sponsored search.

    7. Wow, what a list. Thanks for sharing. I suppose this is an impossible task, but is there a conceptual framework for integrated strategy and maybe some principles for tool selection? Ah, probably too hard to do without applying it to a specific situation.

    8. Andy, SEM and Search Marketing are synonymous, you’re right. But I had to break it out to accommodate the differences between SEM and SEO.

      Also, Word of mouth is an OUTCOME of many of these tools, (and so is conversations and brand affinity) so it doesn’t belong as a specific tool (this list is a bunch of tools)

      Beth, This points back to the strategy principle that I alluded to above. Start with a objective, then develop a plan.

      Al, Applications are a technology, not a tool. Applications can power many of the above: widgets, interactive marketing, corporate websites, and certainly the extranet and intranet. This is a list of tools, not technologies.

    9. This is a comprehensive list of tools… if these things are to be followed precisely it is but obvious to make one’s site grow

    10. Super list except for one notable gap. There is a huge need for disciplined Project Managers and project management tools to manage the large projects required to deploy effectively on these multiple platforms. As you put it: deploying web marketing goes beyond your corporate website and google results.

      Take a look at Vertabase – http://www.vertabase.com/news-project-management-software.html for a good example. I think they are ahead of others, especially MS Project. BTW – There is lots of controversy about the very nature Project Management. Part of it is the use of PM tools by Web2.0 Savvy marketing people

    11. Nadim

      It’s not about one’s site growing, but more about the reach and extension of the brand and your employees to wherever decisions are going to be made.

      Howard, Good point, I could have a whole nother post on web management process, roles, and tools. You may have inspired a future post.

    12. W O W. Just in time for a new job I’m taking as Web Property Program Manager. I’ve never been in a managerial/decide-er role before and so I need all the help I can get as a web marketing manager. This list is jackpot for me. I haven’t started reading it yet but I know these are pearls. Thanks for getting me started right Jeremiah. More power…

    13. Chico

      Check out all my posts tagged “Web strategy” to get more information.

      Mark, the promise was never upheld. If it were purely an opt-in system it may have worked. Sadly, we’ll have to wait for another iteration to see if it will work.

      The media really loved the term, yet most bloggers groaned. Looking back, I don’t blame them either.

    14. Pingback: Devolio
    15. I think that the Brand Extension list was the most helpful to me. The Branding of your business and the people of that business really needs to be focused on creating a story for the the consumer to buy and invest into. At least in America branding is about creating a percieved need and a story of success for the consumer to see himself in.

    16. Mobile is huge. Glad that was included.

      Also, I think the opportunity to sponsor high quality content is also a huge option. This is particularly true in the case of podcasts. I know Mommycast has been successful in this area. Its not the most conversational option, but is certainly an open option and one thats proven viable.

    17. Linda

      You’ve suggested that I include a listening category, good point. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and that’s actually an ‘outcome’ of how the tools can be used (esp the social media tools) so for me to create a new category, it might end up replicating those existing ones.

      One the some vein, every time anyone uses any of these tools they should be doing any of the following:
      1) Defining an objective
      2) writing a plan/strategy
      3) integrating
      4) measuring and monitoring
      5) improving

    18. Thanks Jeremiah. This is going to be a great support list for planning, preparing and moving forward in our web marketing strategy for 2008. And I appreciate you following up on the “listening” category. I think the 5 steps from “defining to improving” for every campaign, regardless of the tools used, is fantastic.

    19. I still think you cannot beat the ROI of a good Facebook Application which I feel is worth .$3 per daily active user per month in media spend…

      {FB charges $10 untargeted CPM; 1 daily active user = 30 impressions per month (conservative considering there could be 5 times as many deep interactive impressions in a good app); 30*10/1000 = $.3 Media Value/Daily Active User/Month

    20. A very nice and comprehensive list. Bookmarked. Also while marketing, be remarkable, and not boring, so that people will talk about your business and spread the word.

    21. Very nice and simple.

      Stealing from the Grail Knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.

      As you mention the list is not a plan, but a guide for understanding the options you can choose.

    22. Great resource for those who want to incorporate the social side of the web in the upcoming year as part of their comprehensive marketing plan.

      Thank you!

    23. I have to agree with Andy here. Search engine marketing covers both SEO and PPC. It was a term brought to popularity by Danny Sullivan. Not sure if he coined it. I recall getting his newsletter on the definition of the term a number of years ago, and thinking he made a lot of sense. SEM should be the main topic heading, with SEO, PPC and other subsets below.

    24. Jeremiah your listis the best! I think there is nothing to add, even after 56 comments!

      Here is my manual Trackback: […]For those searching a detailed explanation, I recommend Jeremiah Owyangs’ source document: A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008[…]

    25. Echoing the sentiments of many, great list Jeremiah. Though not exactly “forms” of web marketing, I’m wondering it it would be worth mentioning various means of targeting (behavioral, contextual, geographical, demographical, retargeting, etc.) as they’re certainly something that we consider when strategizing and deciding upon the best tactical approach for our clients.

    26. Jeremiah, great job. It really is a very detailed list.

      I just blogged about an omission and/or mis-categorization made on the list though. Maybe those not in the affiliate/performance marketing space didn’t catch it.

      I realize much of corporate America and many traditional marketing experts do not understand or appreciate affiliate marketing.

      However since almost every top brand eTailer has an affiliate program – many of which generate millions per month – I think on your list, affiliate marketing should be featured as a stand-alone online marketing channel just like SEO, email and contextual.

      The only time the word affiliate is used it™s lumped in with unrelated marketing methods under branding. (#4C)

      Affiliate Marketing is NOT a branding vehicle and should not be used that way – unless merchants want to start paying affiliates for impressions in addition to sales. Affiliate Marketing is a direct sales and marketing channel or in some cases a lead generation channel.

      For most online retailers and many other types of companies it’s an important part of the web marketing mix.

      Thanks, Linda

    27. Great read! i know there are literally hundreds of these tips floating around and even published but there’s always room for improved and updated ones.

      Happy New Year, Jeremiah!

    28. Hollis, this is mentioned in the advertising ‘brand extension’ areas, as it’s a sub-set of those forms.

      Linda, I sent you an email asking for your help in defining this, let’s collaborate

      Alain, what are the links to those other resources? If they’re helpful we should link to them.

    29. This is a very thorough list.
      Thank you.

      I wonder if there will be any completely new channels of marketing in 2008 that haven’t been discovered yet? (Facebook product placement?)

    30. Jeremiah, this is a wonderful list. I’m sharing this with my colleagues and they are impressed!

      – Jonghee

    31. Jeremiah,
      While this is a good list of web marketing tools, what do you think about planning and implementation. It is often said the thinking and what is learned during the planning stage is more valuable than the plan itself.
      Moreover, proper implementation is essential to success.
      Have you explored how some of these tools are being used strategically by local business to connect with customers?
      If you believe that some insights based on actual local business case studies will be beneficial to your audience, let me know.

      Local Business Internet Strategy
      Local Business Will Prevail.

    32. BringBuyers

      Have a methology that focuses on the People first, then your objectives, followed by strategy and planning, and finally the tools. At Forrester we call that the POST methodology.

    33. Dear Jeremiah,

      This is a good list of web tools, can I translate it into my Indonesian languages and put it in our blog with the link back to this original sites?

      Any way have you ever wrote how to use these tools and integrated it with the conventional marketing tools in one campaign?

      thank you,


    34. Thanks for this great list Jeremiah!

      From my perspective, the secret is usually residing in how you will be using various appropriate communication channels and online tactics in order to engage with the prospect, generate interest, develop the relationship and finally generate (repeated) sales. Experience as shown that efficiency and creativity (ie. creative ways of using these communication channels) is mainly coming from the intelligent way you will be combining and using strategically various marketing tactics; cost-effectively mixing traditional ways of addressing your target audience with more innovative ways of engaging with your customers.

      [¦] Jeremiah Owyang, Web Strategist, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research and leading social media blogger has recently released an excellent article: “A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008” which catalogs no less than 36 tools and tactics available for corporate web strategy CMOs, VPs and Directors of Web and Marketing.[¦]

    35. What about rewards/loyalty programs?

      Those are always a mix in the brick and mortar world and there are a handful on the web!

    36. Brian

      Great suggestion, that comes across to me as more of a business program. I’m trying to determine if that’s truly a form like listed above. The forms listed above really are tools.

      Is a loyalty reward program fall into that type of category?

      Please leave another comment with some clarification.

    37. Great information!

      I agree that the key for advertisers will be creating the “message” that will resonate with the new “widgetized” audience.

      Personalized communication is important, but creative intelligence may be king when it comes to Web 2.0 marketing.

    38. Jeremiah,

      Just wanted to say thanks for this post. Read it when it came out, but I just used it as a tutorial for some new staff.

      So nice to have a “Online Marketing 101” sort of page to refer people who may not be as familiar with terms, etc as the rest of us. Makes strategy sessions much easier…

    39. A really, really useful post as ever Jeremiah. Something tells me I’ll be linking to this page on my digital content blog…[tweaks waxed moustache].

      Seriously though – keep up the great work. This blog is living proof of the value of corporate bloggs. Okay, it’s your personal blog, but it’s doing wonders for my perception of Forrester / the company you work for.

    40. Pingback: Keeping Up
    41. Hey! What a detailed information. Thanks for all the valuable information. A person new to internet marketing can definitely get great help from this site.

    42. Hi Jeremiah,

      what you think about digital PR? Can they be considered a tool? Sometimes interacting with consumers (and opinion leaders) means providing them more contents or explications right in the place they ask for it (their own blog, forums or public spaces). Does it make sense?

    43. Hi Jeremiah!

      I have been reading your blog for a while and I must say that you and your blog are a fantastic resource and inspiration in my job as a web strategist for a public Health Portal (we also offer healthcare advices by phone) in Sweden.

      It is a great list you compiled and I am currently writing a marketing/social media strategy so this is really useful. One of the tools we are going to use is local search/yellow pages which can be seen as a tool:

      4 G) Local search/catalog marketing/advertising
      This is a mix of local search marketing and contextual advertising. Local catalogs (yellow pages) offer purchase of keywords/categories that will display contextual advertising in different forms like text, images, media, widgets or other. In addition they also offer a company microsite that can be branded. This type of marketing/advertising is effective to position your company from your competition in local catalogs. For a small (service) company this can be very effective to get new customers.

    44. This is a fantastic article!!!..I love it. I was exploring alternative for marketing for my firm and I was looking at options and I came across this, it comprehensive and exhaustive. But what caught my eye was the mobile marketing and I was considering it. I have just come across a site called Mozes.They seem to have interesting campaigns. I wanted to try one of them on a small scale. I think this can be a good option for small companies like mine.

    45. Jeremiah,

      Great stuff, as always. Two tools I didn’t see on the list were CSEs (comparison shopping engines). Though mainly reserved for retailers, these can be very volatile and, in my experience, should be used during key seasonal times to help ensure a managible RIO. The other is local search, broken out under search marketing. Though this is search marketing the approach and opportunities are different for traditional ppc ads on Google and the like.

    46. Chris, I’ll take a closer look, is Local Search really marketing? Debatable, could fall under usability.

      Comparison shopping, let me mull that over, it’s closely tied to other areas.

    47. Jeremiah,

      The use of local search engines (e.g., yellowpages.com) is definitely marketing. And it is different from SEM (i.e., Google, Yahoo) in that each company has a profile page where they can put additional copy, videos, coupons, and other assets. The growing number of people are researching big ticket items on line then buying off line. This is a growing channel for retailers to capture qualified consumers when they are looking for a place to buy offline. With the use of coupons, businesses can track local searches effectiveness.

      CSEs may be similar to other areas, but it is a revenue driving channel that should make the list. It has its own approach for optimization and unique strategies for increasing revenue while managing cost.


    48. Jeremiah, I wonder where everyone falls in regards to where they lean? Does that make sense? In other words, Can we all really do them all, I’ve used a lot of the them but some of us are better at some than we are at others and thus, though we all want to do it ourselves, but at some point you have to say, “maybe I need to differ to someone else…” Just an observation

    49. Marc

      No you really cannot do them all, unless you’re Microsoft or some other giant, in that case, you’ll do them all ‘ok’ and a few ‘great’.

      This list is just a toolbox, it’s up to you to pull out the right tool for the right objective.

      hammers beat down nails.

      Saws chop wood.

      Screwdrivers turn screws.

    50. You mention several forms of collecting peoples names/newsletters. One thing that I think you should tackle as a quick note/blog entry are the rules and regulations that come with this. There are very specific rules out there for contacting people, opting in/out, and often, companies actually are not in compliance with these requirements. This is something that demand generation teams have worked to perfect and learn though ages, but new rules do constantly come into play as well as are revised. This is something that companies, esp those without large mktg depts, need to be aware of…

      Just a thought… /LC

    51. Great, comprehensive list. I often hear the question of what makes up a web marketing position. This post is the source for answering this question.

    52. Very nice collection of all tools. Thank you very much for that.
      btw: I recommend putting the language options on top so you can change it BEFORE you read the whole article 😉

    53. Brilliant post, puts everything that needs to be done into perspective. Its actually rather daunting for companies as the online strategy would invariably involve multiple different companies.

    54. Apologies in advance for what is certain to be a bunch of repeats from the comments. I didn’t take the time to read all the comments. My bad. Anyway, here goes:

      Localization (Mashup: Microsites + Regionalization^2 + advanced SEO)
      Businesses can be aware of the geographic source of traffic and use this information to position a brand in relation to local events/places/people that increase relevance. This can extend to language (if you roll your eyes try to buy a Zune in Montreal) as well as other aspects of place.

      Distributed Content Strategy (more refined aspect of Syndication, under Community Marketing)
      Creation of unique, relevant and valuable content by a company/brand for a specific non-corporate site. Classic example would be a guest blog post. More “traditional” example would be the press release which just gets recycled verbatim on a news site (though this rarely “fools” anyone and isn’t technically in the spirit of community marketing). This varies from syndication in that the original content appears on a non-owned site. —not really new but I figured I’d mention it

      Mobile applications (Mashup: Widgets + Mobile; see also Localization)
      The databases that drive the internet are increasingly accessible from devices that are not tethered to a desk or chair/lap. A variety of methods of accessing this opportunity to teach your system exist from mobile-version web sites to individual applications that run on the mobile device. Specific examples in existence include Trulia, Netflix/Dashbuster, iTunes Mobile Music Store (and app store). Note how each of these can yield greater sales/relevancy by being available away from a desk and on a walk through a neighborhood, at club listening to a band.

    55. Traffic Exchanges are another source of web marketing. I am not sure where they belong because while some of the ads are from affiliate marketing, others come directly from blogs and websites.

    56. For 2009 you might consider adding information on content marketing, a specific approach to creating mutually valuable exchanges that seems to have taken on some steam in the last year. In your current infrastructure I would imagine it would fit as an extension of the corporate domain as well as in conjunction with Community and Social Media marketing. Relevant, user-centric content can be the catalyst for extended engagement with a brand’s existing online presence. It can also provide a foundation for community interactions where there might not otherwise be one.

      Of course like all other forms of marketing, content marketing can be misused, but when utilized correctly, it can lead to increased loyalty and preference, as well as speed a customer through the consideration phase of purchase. When deployed on the right technology, content marketing can be measured against business objectives and to show ROI – important considerations in today’s economy.

    57. Hi,

      Is it possible to identify potential customers by, say, geography if they don’t so indicate directly in their posts? I’m a veterinarian and, obviously, my business is all local. I’d love to participate in, say, rec.pets but I can’t respond, nor do I want to, to posts from outside my area so filtering posts by geographic area would be great for me. If you can point me to any software that can filter Usenet posts by geography or at least identify a poster’s approximate geographic location, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks, in advance.


    58. i am working with Chair Parts manufacturing firm as Marketing Manager, I am an MBA (Marketing) and want to use a marketing Strategy for this company how can i starts… which make some visible results…

    59. this is a great list!am just a student tring to learn a bit more about marketing and advertising.so thanks

    60. This post is gold. I am gonna recommend every single person I know interested in marketing to read it. I am glad I am following you on twitter, that services is just making my life better and better!

      I cannot thank you enough for sharing this.

      Iaax Page.

    61. Thanks for stopping by! Faizuddin.

      The translations were done by the community, cool eh?

      No update for 2009 as it hasn’t changed all that much. Maybe in 2010.

    62. WOW. I really appreciate the logic and time that went into the organization of this post. I also like that you organized things by ‘type of activity’ instead of by site. Lots of people choose to think of digital marketing options in terms of site…how will we create a program for twitter…and that never ends well.

    63. WOW. I really appreciate the logic and time that went into the organization of this post. I also like that you organized things by ˜type of activity™ instead of by of site¦how will we create a program for twitter¦and that never ends well.

    64. Great list! Thank’s it is really helpful when I want my boss to know what I am working with…

    65. Nice description about the concept.!.which helps everyone to get a consolidated knowledge about web marketing.!

    66. Nice description about the concept.!.which helps everyone to get a consolidated knowledge about web marketing.!

    67. Nice description about the concept.!.which helps everyone to get a consolidated knowledge about web marketing.!

    68. Nice list. I really liked all of them. You should make a new one for 2011. I am looking online for some curent up to date ones. I think you should do a new one if you have time thanks 

    69. Nice list. I really liked all of them. You should make a new one for 2011. I am looking online for some curent up to date ones. I think you should do a new one if you have time thanks 

    70. Nice list. I really liked all of them. You should make a new one for 2011. I am looking online for some curent up to date ones. I think you should do a new one if you have time thanks 

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      Best Regards

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