What the Twitter Children really want for Christmas

Update: Despite the downtime of Twitter, the fandom continues for Twitter, take for example the many wishes from eager users that follow.

I’ve created a page instead of a blog post for this, so you’ll have to remember to bookmark this specific link, it’s going to be unwieldy, so a page seems more appropriate.

I asked my Twitter network “What’s your Twitter wishlist” here’s what the community asked for, there are some real business opportunities for Obvious corp (twitter creators) their competitors, third parties, and those who make the clients like Snitter:

I’m doing an informal tally
This list includes the tweets I’ve aggregated on this page, as well in the comments below on this post

Groups or Permissions 10
Intranet based client (related to above) 1
Hashtags, memes, topics 4
Location based data/tracking/display 3
Threaded Replies 3
Entertainment/Sports and pricing updates 2
Search features 3
Improved reply features 2
Manage multiple accounts 2
Transportation (or school) alerts 2
Language choices and segmentation 2
Notifications of new followers or unsubscribers 2
Reply 1
Weather 1
Games 1
Filter for fake users 1
Food or convience ordering 1
Reporting 1
Emergency Communication 1
A client that displays on a HUD on a car 1 (Whoa!)

Informal Analysis
Coming soon.

Raw Responses:
I’ve only posted public tweets, not protected ones, and I’m updating this as I get more replies

mariana evica mariana_66 @jowyang: better ways of organizing followers/visualization of mutually connected friends, regional tags/clouds? need people mgt tools! about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Steve Rhodes tigerbeat @jowyang better ways to see and organize favorites ie by person, topics, quickly see a date, etc (and bringing back public most favorited) about 1 hour ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Steve Rhodes tigerbeat @jowyang better way to manage people you are following/who are following you including quickly seeing people who recently added you about 1 hour ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Steve Rhodes tigerbeat @jowyang more control of privacy. ability to make some updates public & other private when entered or later. ability to edit typos. about 1 hour ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Steve Ames steveames @jowyang I’m weighing in for groups also… I’d like to use it as a productivity tool and groups would make it purrfect about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Tony In Portland oregon_tony @jowyang look at how Jaiku does comments under a topic. It is two dimensional similar to how normal blog comments
work. about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Eric Wu ewu @jowyang nice work on the twitter survey! put me down for another groups and permissions vote about 2 hours ago from TwitterFox in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Shannon Kinney shannonkin @jowyang Twitter Wish List: easier to find people by topic, i’ve been using track feature to do this – other ideas or ways to search? about 2 hours ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Shannon Kinney shannonkin @jowyang Twitter Wish List: love the track feature, but sometimes unreliable. Any improvements there would be great & a page w/ top tracked about 2 hours ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Tara Kelly tara_kelly @jowyang Twitter Wish: easier to handle more than one account (no logging off and on to tweet from multiple accounts) about 2 hours ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Vicki Brown vlb @jowyang Twitter Wish List: ability to reply to a specific tweet (and have that ne get linked). Also groups, oh please, groups. 4 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Rosie rosebeezy @jowyang if I had a search archives box I could find you lots of wishlist items. 🙂 calendar, search updates box are two of them 8 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Venkk venkks @jowyang Twitter Wish List: Retrieve conversations related to one topic. Ex. Twitter Wish List messages. half a minute ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Adam Metz LaunchSquadAdam @jowyang Twitter wish: BART station elevator updates, so we can listen to our iPods in peace without the annoying interruptions. 4 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

steven mandzik robotchampion @jowyang had a similar thought about h patrol, check out our @thebeltway 6 minutes ago from txt in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Rodney Degracia rodneydegracia @jowyang Twitter streams that analyze other Twitter streams and report patterns, etc. 20 minutes ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Rodney Degracia rodneydegracia @jowyang twitter streams that provide services using other Twitter streams. i.e. Latent Semantic Analysis 21 minutes ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

seedoflife @jowyang TwitterWhere does a lot of the heavy lifting for you already especially geographical Twitters less than a minute ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Chris Rodgers wizardElite @jowyang Twit Wish List: Also Segment tweets by language of choice & better handling of replies. Threaded replies possibly. less than 20 seconds ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

John Czwartacki CZ @jowyang Business/Personal/fun and needs 2 be a prefix that means “Emergency, HELP ME” someone may use when all they have is TXT. “911!”? half a minute ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Claudia Chez Abreu cchez @jowyang’s Twitter Wish List: address tweets to specific group of people with option to publish ’em public or privately 1 minute ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Peter Dawson peterdawson @jowyang, some method to view /aggreate ‘favs of other peep(S). enable twit’s to be piped to another zone something like”fwd” to a link blog 2 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

NetsrikJo NetsrikJo @jowyang Snitter Wish List: Below each twitter picture, list location. 3 minutes ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

vanelsas vanelsas @jowyang: my Twitter Wish List: Segmented views of parallel twitter conversations 4 minutes ago from txt in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Jimmy jjgardner3 @jowyang my twitter holiday wish list http://tinyurl.com/2wggqh 6 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
Licentious Licentious @jowyang – segmenting by language could be useful 6 minutes ago from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Marc Levin dogballs @jowyang twitter wish-list: along the same lines as yours, tweet alrts to fellow-motorists when you see a speed-trap. 🙂 10 minutes ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Rob Blatt robblatt @jowyang Twitter Wish List: Mass Transit Alerts in case of delays. Also, Twitter deli ordering. 37 minutes ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Adele McAlear adelemcalear @jowyang My Twitter wish list: Groups+tab that is only for @ replies enabling a quick review + private enterprise streams for internal biz 39 minutes ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Steven Groves stevegroves @jowyang – a better client for my MotoQ that syncs automatically w/ desktop and browser 43 minutes ago from Spaz in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

dwilkinsnh dwilkinsnh @jowyang one more: school closings and updates about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Andrew Cafourek acafourek @jowyang My Twitter Wish List: Everytime a transaction hit my bank account hit I would get a tweet. Then I could watch my $$ in real time! about 1 hour ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

dwilkinsnh dwilkinsnh @jowyang ticketmaster on Twitter: newly released show information and tickets targeted geographically about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Andrew Terry AndrewTerry @jowyang – (or support for Hashtags) about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty
dwilkinsnh dwilkinsnh @jowyang airline updates / delays / cancellations via Twitter about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Andrew Terry AndrewTerry @jowyang – my Twitter-wish is support for groups (like Pownce) about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Rodney Degracia rodneydegracia @jowyang Twitter-like RFC protocol with geo-location support about 1 hour ago from twitterrific in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

pearlbear pearlbear @jowyang regional weather updates, especially storms and the like about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

arnonel arnonel @jowyang twitter turn-based games, like chess about 1 hour ago from Snitter in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Liz Laneri Lizzer @jowyang my twitter wish list: a filter for the fritters (fake twitters) and twitter spammers. Unless there is already and I’m unaware about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Ilyasso Ilyasso @jowyang Twitter wish : customizeable sports score updates about 1 hour ago from im in reply to jowyang Icon_star_empty

Jimmy has been thinking about some improvements for Twitter.
Garrick shares what he likes and dislikes about these requests