Survey Results: Web Strategy Survey May 2008

Summary: If you don’t have time to read the rest
Overall, the readers of this blog are above satisfied with the blog, with the content and insights provided. Many readers are in the marketing services industry, at small companies and in the United States. There is room for improvement to add more case studies, and provide how to guides, and to improve grammar, and publish more succinctly.

Feedback is important to me
I’m big on an open feedback loop, for my blog, for my company, and for my clients, the more we know about each other, and the better we communicate, the greater are the opportunities for improvement. While I carefully studied every single response and every single graph, the ultimate decision for the direction of the blog will be up to me. I do strive to make it the best possible (while I’m still having fun) so it’s an appropriate time to run a survey –since I have professional survey resources at reach.

The survey was launched in April and ran for a few weeks, for the four blogs run by the interactive marketing team at Forrester. the structure of the survey was initially created by me, vetted by Charlene Li, then massaged by Jennifer Joseph, our expert researcher, who runs and maintains many of Forrester’s surveys.

What I need to improve on
Grammar, Publish less, or be more succinct.

What will change
Case Studies, more how to guides.

Finding: Readers would recommend this blog to others

“Would you recommend this blog to a friend or colleague?”

Would you recommend this blog to a friend or colleague?

Finding: Most read every post

“How frequently do you read Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?”
How frequently do you read Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?

Finding: Most have been reading since the last half year
“For how long have you been reading Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?”
For how long have you been reading Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Finding: Most somewhat agree this blog helps to inform the actions I take at work
“This blog helps inform the actions I take at work”
This blog helps inform the actions I take at work

Finding: Most strongly agree this blog helps to gain industry-specific insights
“This blog helps me gain industry-specific insights”
This blog helps me gain industry-specific insights

Finding: Most somewhat agree that this blog helps to keep up on cutting edge marketing tech
“This blog keeps me up to date on cutting edge marketing technologies”
This blog keeps me up to date on cutting edge marketing technologie

Finding: Many strongly agree that this blog is a cheap way to get analyst info
“This blog is a less expensive source of Forrester information than becoming a client”

Caveat: The good stuff is in the reports, and from advisory sessions.

This blog is a less expensive source of Forrester information than becoming a client

Finding: You come here to learn dammit, no f*cking fun allowed
“[Does]This blog provides me with entertainment?”
This blog provides me with entertainment

Finding: Most somewhat agree that this blog helps with marketing program performance
This blog helps me improve marketing program performance
This blog helps me improve marketing program performance

Finding: Most somewhat agree that this blog helps to develop effective marketing strategies
“This blog helps me to develop effective marketing strategies”
This blog helps me to develop effective marketing strategies

Finding: This blog doesn’t impact finding technology vendors
“This blog helps me find technology and/or services partners”

This blog helps me find technology and/or services partners

Finding: This blog doesn’t impact building teams or skills
“This blog helps me build the right teams and skills”
This blog helps me build the right teams and skills

Finding: Most users consume blog via RSS
“How do you consume the content on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang? (Please select all that apply)”

How do you consume the content on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?

Finding: Mostly, the volume of posts for this blog are acceptable
“How would you rate the volume of content being published on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?”
How would you rate the volume of content being published on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Finding: Content quality excellent and above average
“How do you rate the overall quality of content posted on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang? (Please select one response)”
How do you rate the overall quality of content posted on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Finding: Readers want to see more Case studies, Industry forecasts and predictions, and How to Guides
“Please select the top three types of content you would like to see more of on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang? (Please select up to three options from the list below)”
Please select the top three types of content you would like to see more of on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang?

Finding: Most are content with the current content format, although many would prefer more slideshows
“Please select the form of content that you would most like to see more of on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang. (Please select one response)”

Please select the form of content that you would most like to see more of on Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Finding: A wide range of roles read, yet the largest segment is interactive marketers
“What is your primary role at your company?”


Interactive Marketing Professional + Interactive Agency (as the titles are similar)
14, 12.4%

Strategy Professional
13, 14.6%

Technology Marketing Professional
8, 9.0%

Marketing Leadership Professional
6, 6.7%

Independent Consultant
6, 6.7%

Other, please specify
22, 24.7%

Finding: Most readers are from United States 65.2%, then UK 7.9%
Note: Google Analytics confirms this.
“Which country are you based in?”


Finding: Most readers from small business
“How many employees work for your company worldwide?”
How many employees work for your company worldwide?

Finding: Most are in the Industry of Professional Services/Consulting (20%) High-Tech Products (13.5%), Advertising (11.2%) other (18.0%)

“Which of the following best describes your company’s industry group? (Please select one)”

Finding: Most readers are beginning a social media strategy at their company
Where is your company in terms of its online social media strategy?
Where is your company in terms of its online social media strategy?

Why do you read Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang? Please include what you like least and most about this blog and its content.


An insightful look into what makes social media campaigns a success.

because i like it 😉

Because I market on the web.

Developments in the Social networks, communities

For useful stats/facts to use in communicating the value of social media, and for specific ideas to use in helping clients formulate and execute social media strategies

good content from reputable name I also appreciate that he takes part in comment sections

good ideas,

Good ideas, easy to understand.

Great tone, good range of relevant topics

He has a great perspective on the industry.

He is on top of trends and products. Both of these are essential to the product my company is developing. His tweets are very informative too. One thing I would like to see is a broader connection to regular people. Everything is so focused on the high end Web 2.0 users. I would like to see some info. and ideas for bringing in more general people and what the stats are like for who these new web 2.0 users or how web 2.0 user demographics are changing.

He is well informed & has an easy to understand style.

He seems really friendly He covers lots of angles It allows someone in Scotland to follow an industry miles away Sometimes he tries to write too much I think he should visit some undeveloped countries like mine and help us see the light We would give him a good time, lots of fun and he can try our national drink, Scotch whisky I wonder how he has a life and whether he will have a heart attack living at the speed he does. Please look after yourself – I am glad you are taking a vacation Check your blood pressure Stay well

he summarizes everything that is happening in and guide me to see what might happen in the future of social media

He talks straight and provides an incredible amount of openness to his work. Only drawback is some posts lose me on simplicity, but due to the volume and balance of more rich content I see that as more helpful than not (I don’t have to set aside 10 minutes to read every post — some I’ll just skim in 30 secs).

He’s a subject matter expert. He used to write too much which made it nearly impossible for me to keep up with his writing, which in turn made me feel like I was missing good information. He currently writes at a good pace.

He’s smart and stays focused on practical, meaningful information. That doesn’t mean exclusively data, but it’s always useful and intelligent.

His content is concise and informative. He has a sense of humor and is humble. He is an expert.

His insights are invaluable

I am new to the tech world and find the blog a wonderful way to learn–it’s easy to follow, insightful, and pertinent to what I’m currently working on. I’m interested in niche social networks and the ways in which they can be used to help organizations market themselves….and I’m interested in new social network models. We expect niche is the current/upcoming thing–what other types of features would users like to see? Is there a hybrid coming that will look different from current niche networks? I like it when the blog speaks to these issues and would love it to do that more often! Great work.

I am not a marketing expert. I find most of what Jeremiah says very understandable. It helps me with my own blog.

I briefly met Jeremiah two years ago at the eMetric Summit in Santa Barbara. I have found the blog to be informative and thought provoking. But at times too many entries making me wonder it he ever sleeps. I have found his approach to be very customer oriented, which can be rare.

I enjoy Jeremiah’s tone and depth of knowledge he seems approachable, but it’s clear he knows his stuff. Sometimes it feels like he rushes his posts with numerous typos and errors that detract from his message. It’s not a huge deal, I just think having clean, clear language enhances one’s credibility and one’s credibility who links to one’s blog posts!

I find it very interesting and good to keep a check on what is going on over in the US as I have recently returned from working out there back to the UK

I follow professional social networking. His competitive summaries are the best. I am not interested in general gossip.

I least like the focus on social networking. As a web strategy blog it would be really nice to factor any strategic initiatives on the web. Nonetheless, I enjoy the content and have been very impressed by the regularity of the posts. I don’t think you need to post on the weekend – personal opinion – as this is predominantly a ‘work-related’ blog.

i like everything!

I like his point of view

I like it because it gives me a great insight in the latest on online marketing. Jeremiah is able to present it on a good-to-read basis, which makes it even better. I dislike the fact that the content is concentrated in the US. Although this is logical, it would be nice to notice cultural differences between for example the US and Europe, in that not everything that works in the US can be used in Europe and also the other way around.

I like predictions and trends on Social media and technology.

I like the frequency of fresh content. I don’t like/need the twitter.

I like the timely information that it provides and enjoy the topics that he covers. I think what I like least is the length of some of the articles. I can’t always get through them all.

I look for tidbits about things I don’t already know. It is hard for me to separate what Jeremiah is doing in his blog as opposed to Twitter, etc. The thing I find annoying is when clique/clubbishness comes through, especially in and around his Twitter feed. I don’t care what swank party you’re going to and what cool hipsters you’re going to see there. I’m really just interested in the facts that help me with web strategy, which is why I follow him to begin with. (Also to feedback instantly with my two cents, as an online strategist.) Perhaps there’s a difference between Jeremiah the guy with a personal life and Jeremiah the Forrester analyst? Naturally he’s allowed to be both people! I personally am more interested in Jeremiah the Forrester analyst and would subscribe to THAT guy’s Twitter feed and blog.

I read for fresh ideas and to hear the chatter. I like the personal stories and interactions. Occasionally there is a post I find useless, but that is rare and there are so many good posts that I don’t think it makes sense to fine tune your filter…I’ll fine tune mine.

I read it because I like to get a diverse range of views on marketing. His is not the only marketing blog I read.

I read it because it gives me valuable insights into what is evolving and working in online marketing. There isn’t much that i dislike about this blog and its content – just need more time to read and research!

I read it because there is the occasional insight or quality piece. I do think that it would be better to post less articles but add deeper substance. More is not always better.

I read it to be informed of new media and the strategies involved, coming from an affluent industry leader whom stays constantly engaged with the community.

I read it to keep current on “best practices” and on current trends in social media. Like least: the volume and the celebrity interviews. Like most: Jeremiah’s insights and evaluations are dead on.

I read Jeremiah’s blog to keep my finger on the pulse of the rapidly evolving world of online communications. This is one of the many industry blogs I read and they act collectively to keep me informed and entertained. I like the straightforward approach best and don’t particularly hate anything about the blog. I think some more posts that describe some practical applications to various industries, like the difficulties of b2b social media marketing and best practices. I liked the posts on the Sony and Dell Facebook apps, so more posts like that would rock. I think that Jeremiah is committed to keeping the content fresh and regularly posts, which is appreciated. It’s not just a regurgitation of facts, as some blogs are, it is fact and opinion. The interviews and video are great too. Thanks Jeremiah!

I read this (and other “marketing”) blogs mostly to learn (i’m a developer) and to suggest changes and new functionality to current banking applications. What i like the most is that people seems reachable (Jeremiah answers to comments). What i dislike the most is that over some period, it turned into some kind of niche blog. In pre-forrester times, it seemed to be a more wide range (from entry level to the top), now it’s mostly for marketing gurus (it seems most for people already in medium/large companies). Maybe i’m not in the right blog 🙂

I saw Jeremiah at the Community Next Virality conference. If he’s so smart about web strategy, where’s his own website where he practices what he preaches? I read it to be provoked and inspired, because I really want my own popular website that I personally own and is profitable.

i think jeremiah has an interesting viewpoint and he seems to have about 26 hours in his average day to devote to social media trends etc. which is far more than i do so he’s a useful barometer on whats going on out there

I think Jeremiah provides a good overview of the market and opens up excellent dialog amongst readers

I’m trying to gain more knowledge in the areas of web strategy and social media so that I can serve as an adviser in these areas to my organization

Informational, current, relevant.

Insightful, invites conversation and thought. Sharp focus on an emerging area of engaging customers and really helps me be very up-to-date on current trends, topics and ideas in the space. I also love how Jeremiah tests what he writes about, engaging in using the services and communication tools that he covers to help amplify his own “product”.

it comes in search engine results

It gives me ideas I can elaborate on later.

It is an essental read when trying to get something out of the social media market.

It is informative and topical in an area of interest to me.

It was recommended to me by a man whose opinion I respect – my son, Wade Rockett. I have not been disappointed.

It’s relevant.

Its a good baseline of information that makes me think about the information from my perspective. It could takle some next gen topics at the moment its not that cutting edge for some of us

Jeremiah comes across as accessible and knowledgeable in the area of social media. His blog has helped me make a case for social media in a large company. If I had to pick out something that I like least, it might be that the volume of posts is just this side of too much. I feel comfortable taking it all in, but someone less experienced in the field might feel overwhelmed.

Jeremiah comes across more technologies than I do and I find it helpful to hear how these emerging tools are impacting marketing strategy.

Jeremiah is a thoughtful, engaging, and prolific writer. He does an excellent job of summarizing current trends and projecting future trends. The only improvement I would make would be to have somebody edit it to polish up the grammar and punctuation. It is distracting and sometimes off-putting to encounter simple errors like its/it’s you/you’re and others.

Jeremiah is a true thought leader in this space and is one of the few that understands strategy and execution. He is not one sided and as busy as he is, always takes time to respond to individual messages. He enjoys connecting people and not about self gratification. I really respect Jeremiah and will continue to follow him as well promote him and push others his way that may be new to this space.

Jeremiah is clear and thorough in his posts and seems to keep blogging for the right reasons (i.e. helping to inform rather than gaining popularity). He is fair and analytical and does not contribute to industry hype.

Jeremiah is extremely knowledgeable about SM and his opinions are very valuable to me as a marketer. What I most appreciate is that his blog content is written in an honest and open way – as opposed to being a glossy over-messaged corporate marketing piece.

Jeremiah is selfless and is trying to help, he embodies the attitude of today and that’s what makes him credible – he is creating a community that will ultimately payoff – trust in the force, Jeremiah is the real deal

Jeremiah loves what he does, and it shows. His blog offers what most others do not: inspiration.

Jeremiah manages to pull together a lot of information about web strategy and social media, filter it, simplify it, give his opinion on it, and often put it in a language that business people (i.e. not just tech people) can understand. For people working on the business side of social media, this is invaluable. He’s also entertaining, he writes well, and I really enjoy reading his blog.

JKO helped get me started on my current career path. While not all posts are relevant to my interests now, there are some absolute gems. When I was just starting out (06) the variety of posts was a huge help for deciding what I wanted to do.

least: nothing most: the insight/opinion

Least: Often diverts from its ‘strategy’ focus. Most: Very plugged-in to what’s going on.

Least? Tough one. Not much. Most? An excellent source of information across what is now a very broad spectrum. The digest RSS feed is perfect for me.

most – thought leadership least – not always detailed examples in the real world usage of his commentary/ideas

most was the fact that this was the first blog about social media from a management point of view, least, yeah, you need a vacation, find new things to talk about.

no comment

Smart analysis, collected industry news. Appropriate self- and company-promotion.

Social media how-tos. Best in the business. I hope Forrester will not co-opt this.

staying on top of the latest trends

The best thing about this blog is Jeremiah’s pure talent, knowledge, writing style and content. Keep it up. There is nothing I like the least.

The best thing is the quality and quantity of the content. I can learn something new and useful every day. The worst thing is the poor grammar. Usually, it’s not a big deal, but occasionally it is hard to decipher the meaning of some sentences. This is very distracting, and takes away from the otherwise high quality of the information provided.

The blog is honest and down-to-earth. I feel it can be applicable for me where traditionally marketing is a small part of my role.

The blog provides insightful organization of a complex topic. Business models help me organize my thoughts when formulating marketing strategies. Views help me understand the dramatic changes occurring in marketing today.

This has been a great source for information regarding Web trends and social media.

This is a blog that I tend to want to stay on top of. I wish there was a way to listen to the posts, instead of reading them.

To gain an insiders perspective on changing/emerging methods of communication.

To gain industry knowledge and increase learning about social media.

To here good commentary on web strategy and keep up on social media trends.

To keep up-to-date with latest social-media marketing tactics and strategy. To help inform decisions for my own projects and those at my day job.

Too much content people are time poor. Edit it down. otherwise great – thanks

Web Strategy matters!

What I appreciate most is his honesty and integrity with his job. I like learning with him and often ask the same questions. The ‘insights’ offered are valuable and definitely worth a daily read! Thank you!!