Complete the Survey: Get the Open Research Reports

Altimeter is continuing our mission researching disruptive technologies.

In fact, we have yet another survey out in the field, focusing on topics that the cutting-edge company will want to have answer. We’re focusing on Social Media Management Systems, Advocacy Programs, how companies integrate social into their corporate websites, and as a foundation, how they’re preparing inside of their company. While we already have over 250 representatives who have filled out the survey from a variety of communities and mailing lists, I’d also like to offer the survey to readers of the Web Strategy blog in a unique instance of the survey for comparative data. Like previous research reports (see my research tab), they will be available under Creative Commons for anyone to download.

Action Requested: Please take our latest survey here, and sign up at the end to be emailed when the reports are live.

It’s a simple request, you help spread the word on this survey, and we’ll continue to share our research findings with the open market at no cost. If you’re a client and want to have a live conversation on the research findings, I look forward to the 1:1 discussion. Also, see the recently updated research agenda from Altimeter analyst Alan Webber on disruptive technologies.

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